UBC - Agency Logos - Singing Dragon

Singing Dragon is an imprint of Jessica Kingsley Publishers, an independent company committed to publishing accessible books that make a difference.

Singing Dragon publishes authoritative books on complementary and alternative health, Tai Chi, Qigong and ancient wisdom traditions for health, wellbeing, and professional and personal development.

Through the Singing Dragon imprint, Jessica Kingsley Publishers also publishes graphic novels across their subject areas, and books for children on issues such as bereavement, depression and anger.


Showing 1-40 of 50 items.

Modern Chinese Medicine Food Cures

A Personalized Approach to Nutrition

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

This book is a modern Western approach to Traditional Chinese Medicine food therapy and is the first book of its kind. Melissa Carr’s accessible guide aims to help the reader with the key elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine through a Western lens.

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Yoga – Anticolonial Philosophy

An Action-Focused Guide to Practice

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

A decolonial guide to yoga from an expert in Indian moral philosophy and Yoga, with exploration and advice on unlearning colonialism, learning the activism of Yoga from various sources such as the Yoga Sūtra and Bhagavad gītā, and how to bring authenticity into your daily practice.

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Acupuncture and Cancer Survivorship

Recovery, Renewal, and Transformation

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

A guide for acupuncturists to help them understand the issues faced by people living with and beyond cancer and equip them to support patients in their process of recovery, renewal and transformation to the “new normal' of life after cancer treatment.

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Teaching Body Positive Yoga

A Guide to Inclusivity, Language and Props

By Donna Noble; Foreword by Jivana Heyman
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Donna Noble draws on years of experience teaching body positive yoga to help yoga teachers host truly inclusive classes. Covering the philosophy and history of the body positivity movement, as well as providing tips on language, touch, modifications for larger bodies and marketing for body-positive yoga classes, this is an inspiring resource for yoga teachers and trainees.

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Pelvic Yoga Therapy for the Whole Woman

A Professional Guide

By Cheri Dostal Ryba; Foreword by Shelly Prosko; Illustrated by Evelyn Rosario Andry
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

This professional and evidence-based guide helps yoga teachers and yoga therapists, as well as movement and fitness professionals to understand the intersections of biomechanics, biochemistry and self-regulation, emotional resiliency, pain science and dynamic strategies for pelvic embodiment. By including case studies, this book takes the practitioner through the journey of self-assessment and ultimately demystifies the pelvic floor.

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Yoga Therapy Foundations, Tools, and Practice

A Comprehensive Textbook

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

The first comprehensive textbook of yoga therapy that aligns with the competencies of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, this is an essential resource for schools and universities that offer yoga therapy training programs, as well as for yoga therapists in training. With a large international list of contributors, this book enables the development of a robust curricula to prepare yoga therapists to integrate into healthcare settings safely and effectively.

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Yoga Therapy as a Whole-Person Approach to Health

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Lee Majewski and Ananda Bhavanani present yoga and yoga therapy as a multifaceted approach to wellness, which includes the energetic, the emotional and the spiritual. The authors carefully clarify yogic concepts and explore how deep yogic work can be practically applied to a range of chronic conditions.

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Hospice and Palliative Care Acupuncture

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

A book for acupuncturists and healthcare professionals on the use of acupuncture for the major hospice and palliative care diagnoses, and for grief and loss. Includes Chinese perspectives on death and dying and evidence-based pain management approaches.

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The Guided Meditation Handbook

Advice, Meditation Scripts and Hasta Mudra for Yoga Teachers

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

For yoga teachers who want to add a meditation element to their classes, this collection of guided meditations is the perfect resource. It also includes tips on setting the scene for a truly relaxed environment, alongside advice for on how to create your own meditations that can be tailored to the needs of yoga students.

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Yoga for Sports Performance

A Guide for Yoga Therapists and Bodyworkers

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon
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Aromatica Volume 2

A Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics. Applications and Profiles

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

A thorough guide to the most effective administration of essential oils based on their specific physiological, psychological, and medicinal functions. The essential oils index of volume one is complemented here with 40 new profiles, including more advanced oils and applications.

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Yoga and Science in Pain Care

Treating the Person in Pain

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

This is an integrated approach to pain rehabilitation that combines pain science, rehabilitation and yoga with evidence-based approaches from respected contributors. The book shows how to integrate the practices of yoga and pain science, and promotes the movement to a patient-valued, partnership-based biopsychosocial-spiritual model of healthcare.

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The Practice of Tui Na

Principles, Diagnostics and Working with the Sinew Channels

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Many Tui Na practitioners mistakenly work with the Primary channels rather than the Sinew channels, and many more know very little of the theory behind them. Aspell provides a thorough grounding in the Sinew channels, accompanied by diagnostics, hand techniques, prescriptions and protocols and an introduction to paediatric Tui Na.

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Yoga Therapy for Insomnia and Sleep Recovery

An Integrated Approach to Supporting Healthy Sleep and Sustaining Energy All Day

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon
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Yoga Therapy for Arthritis

A Whole-Person Approach to Movement and Lifestyle

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon
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Yoga Therapy for Stroke

A Handbook for Yoga Therapists and Healthcare Professionals

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon
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Yoga Therapy for Fear

Treating Anxiety, Depression and Rage with the Vagus Nerve and Other Techniques

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon
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Yoga Therapy as a Creative Response to Pain

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon
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Yoga Therapy for Digestive Health

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon
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Scoliosis, Yoga Therapy, and the Art of Letting Go

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Take control of your scoliosis with this practical yoga manual.

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Yoga for a Happy Back

A Teacher's Guide to Spinal Health through Yoga Therapy

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon
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Trauma is Really Strange

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

A science-based medical graphic book explaining trauma, its effects on our psychology and physiology, and what to do about it.

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White Moon on the Mountain Peak

The Alchemical Firing Process of Nei Dan

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Damo Mitchell explains the practice of Nei Dan in a way that is comprehensible for practitioners in the West. It contains full guidance for practice, explanations of the underlying theory, and literal descriptions of the tangible results to be expected at each stage of practice.

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Discussion of Cold Damage (Shang Han Lun)

Commentaries and Clinical Applications

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Scholar and medical doctor, Guohui Liu, presents a new and detailed translation of the Chinese classic Shang Han Lun. He provides a line by line translation of the text with extensive commentary and descriptions of the clinical applications. The book includes the 112 formulas and the 88 medicinal substances.

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Choices in Pregnancy and Childbirth

A Guide to Options for Health Professionals, Midwives, Holistic Practitioners and Parents

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

This clear, balanced and well-researched presentation of the various holistic options for treating mothers and babies during pregnancy and childbirth enables practitioners to create the best possible outcomes for mother and baby. It offers practical tips to make childbirth a positive and safe experience and advice for when things don't go to plan.

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The Luo Collaterals

A Handbook for Clinical Practice and Treating Emotions and the Shen and The Six Healing Sounds

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

First referenced in the Ling Shu, the luo collaterals are an important channel system in Chinese medicine, especially in the treatment of emotions. This book provides a comprehensive exploration of the theories and applications of the luo collaterals as well as the Shen and the five shen. It also includes instruction on Healing Sounds Qigong.

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Butoh Dance Training

Secrets of Japanese Dance through the Alishina Method

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

This book is a complete guide to the Alishina Method which draws on classical and avant-garde Japanese dance traditions to offer a systemized approach to Butoh dance training. It provides practical instruction and fully illustrated exercises, including instruction on basic body training and exercises for cultivating Qi and refining the senses.

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Pain is Really Strange

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon
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Foundations of Theory for Ancient Chinese Medicine

Shang Han Lun and Contemporary Medical Texts

By Guohui Liu; Foreword by Charles Buck
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Guohui Liu explains the key concepts of ancient Chinese medicine so that they can be better understood and put into practice by modern practitioners. With the Shang Han Lun as a basis for discussion, it includes information on Chinese culture and philosophy as well as specific issues such as the six conformations and zang-fu organ theory.

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Tui na

A Manual of Chinese Massage Therapy

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

The definitive handbook for students and practitioners, this book explains the roots of Tui na and provides detailed instruction on the massage techniques, their clinical applications and the principles of practice. It also includes guidance on diagnosis, and on planning and tailoring treatments.

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The Acupuncture Points Functions Colouring Book

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Students of Chinese Medicine need to have a good understanding of the points along the twelve main channels and the extraordinary vessels of the body, but it can be difficult to memorise all of the essential information. This colouring book is an excellent learning tool, showing maps of each meridian in a format that can be drawn on and remembered.

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Principles and Practice of Homeopathy

The Therapeutic and Healing Process

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

With highly-respected international contributors, this comprehensive textbook provides a complete understanding of the principles and practice of homeopathy. Diagrams and case studies help students and practitioners to apply concepts to real-life situations.

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Qigong for Wellbeing in Dementia and Aging

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

This book presents easy-to-follow Qigong exercises and key nutritional information that can help older people, who may be frail or have limited mobility, to improve and maintain their health and mobility, and to address symptoms associated with dementia. Accompanying illustrations and online videos will guide you through each exercise.

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The Complete Book of Yiquan

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

The first complete guide to the rarely taught martial art, Yiquan, still shrouded in mystery. With clear photographs and explanations, this comprehensive illustrated book fully describes the postures and movements of Yiquan and provides information on Yiquan's origin, weapons, programs, grading, and more.

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Mudras of India

A Comprehensive Guide to the Hand Gestures of Yoga and Indian Dance

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

For the first time, the elaborate system of mudras, hand gestures used in yoga and Indian dance, has been organized into a comprehensive, fully indexed, and beautifully illustrated format.

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Principles of Chinese Medicine

Revised Edition

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, qigong, tui na massage and diet therapy have been used by the Chinese for over 2000 years, and they are still the treatments of choice for millions of people throughout the East.

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Principles of Reiki

Revised Edition

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

This concise introduction covers the history and spiritual principles of Reiki, an ancient Japanese healing system based on channelling spiritual energy through the hands.

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Principles of Reflexology


Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Reflexology is a form of complete healing that can detect and correct energy imbalance and restore balance to the body by relating each zone of the body to different points on the hands and feet.

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Principles of Kinesiology


Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Kinesiology is a system of natural health care which combines muscle testing with the principles of Chinese medicine to assess energy and body function.

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Principles of Bach Flower Remedies

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Bach Flower Remedies are natural medicines derived from flowers and have the power to ease a wide range of physical and emotional complaints. This concise introduction is designed to help you start using the remedies for yourself.

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