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Trauma is Really Strange
32 pages, 7 x 9
full-colour illustrations throughout
Release Date:21 Jan 2016
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Trauma is Really Strange

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon
What is trauma? How does it change the way our brains work? And how canwe overcome it? When something traumatic happens to us, we dissociateand our bodies shut down their normal processes. This unique comicexplains the strange nature of trauma and how it confuses the brain andaffects the body. With wonderful artwork, cat and mouse metaphors,essential scientific facts, and a healthy dose of wit, the narratorreveals how trauma resolution involves changing the body'sphysiology and describes techniques that can achieve this, includingTrauma Releasing Exercises that allow the body to shake away tension,safely releasing deep muscular patterns of stress and trauma.
RELATED TOPICS: Health & Well-Being
Steve Haines has been working in healthcare forover twenty-five years and as a bodyworker since 1998.Understanding the science of trauma and pain has transformed hisapproach to healing. He has studied Yoga, Shiatsu, BiodynamicCraniosacral Therapy, and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE). He is a UKregistered Chiropractor and teaches TRE and Cranial work all over theworld. His treatments now use education, embodied awareness and lighttouch to help people move more freely and be more present. Steve livesand works between London and Geneva.
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