Supplementary Resources
Several UBC Press books have supplementary content, from slides for use in courses, to additional appendices, to illustrative material, posted online in cIRcle, UBC’s information repository. Some of our authors have also created dedicated webpages for their books. New material is being added on an ongoing basis, so please be sure to check back regularly.
Showing 1-12 of 13 items.

Birds of Nunavut

Acknowledgments from Birds of Nunavut
Appendix 1 - Checklist: Birds of Nunavut, prepared by James M. Richards

Ecology of Salmonids in Estuaries around the World

Adaptations, Habitats, and Conservation

Additional appendixes for Ecology of Salmonids in Estuaries around the World

Five additional appendices, includes: data tables, estuaries and other water bodies, estuary primer, additional literature consulted, and colour photos linked to figures.

Forest Economics

Figures in Forest Economics Presentation

A pdf of the powerpoint presentation "Figures in Forest Economics". Prepared by Daowei Zhang.

Geography of British Columbia, Fourth Edition

People and Landscapes in Transition

Exercises and discussion questions

Ghost Dancing with Colonialism

Decolonization and Indigenous Rights at the Supreme Court of Canada


Appendices for Ghost Dancing with Colonialism.


References from Ghost Dancing with Colonialism.

Indigenous Storywork

Educating the Heart, Mind, Body, and Spirit

Supplementary materials for Indigenous Storywork

Figures, notes, and references from "Indigenous Storywork."

Landing Native Fisheries

Indian Reserves and Fishing Rights in British Columbia, 1849-1925

Indian Reserves Allotted for Fishing Purposes in British Columbia, 1849-1925

Table of Indian reserves allotted for fishing purposes in British Columbia, 1849-1925, organized geographically and by First Nations language group or regional affiliation.

Planning Toronto

The Planners, The Plans, Their Legacies, 1940-80

Colour Illustrations from the Book

Colour versions of the illustrations and maps featured in Planning Toronto.

Teaching Each Other

Nehinuw Concepts and Indigenous Pedagogies

Teaching Each Other - Guide to the Audio-Enhanced Ebook

Audio features enable readers not only to learn the pronunciations for use in their classrooms, but also provide an introduction to, appreciation of, and respect for the Cree language.

The Deliberate Doctorate

A Values-Focused Journey to your PhD


Map from pages 2-3 of The Deliberate Doctorate. This map will help you summarize the results of the reflection exercises, and will help you reflect on your values as you pursue your PhD deliberately.

The Environmental Rights Revolution

A Global Study of Constitutions, Human Rights, and the Environment

Abstract of Book
Appendix 2

Environmental Protection and Enforceability. Excerpts from 147 National Constitutions.

This document provides a comprehensive inventory of constitutional provisions related to environmental protection and the enforceability of those provisions. It is intended to provide a tool for comparative research and a compendium of precedents for constitutional drafting.

For information on the methodology used to identify these provisions, please consult Appendix 1 of The Environmental Rights Revolution, by David R. Boyd (UBC Press, 2012).

Turning Point 1917

The British Empire at War

Videos from Turning Point Symposium, 2014.

Click here to view or download videos from the Turning Point Symposium at the Royal Military College of Canada, 2014. This symposium formed the basis of the book Turning Point 1917: The British Empire at War.

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