Planet Work
Rethinking Labor and Leisure in the Anthropocene
- Copyright year: 2023
Medbh McGuckian
Medbh McGuckian offers an original and wide-ranging analysis of one of the most daring and important poetic voices in contemporary Ireland. It considers the entire corpus of McGuckian’s published work, investigating previously neglected themes, in particular the exploration of creativity and performativity, while also emphasizing the thematic unity of individual volumes in the light of the poet’s constant change and development.
- Copyright year: 2025
John Banville
John Banville offers a close analysis of most of Banville’s major novels, his Quirke crime novels, and his dramatic adaptations of Heinrich von Kleist’s plays. It asserts that Banville’s fiction can be viewed both as an extended interrogation of the meaning and status of art, and that it is itself representative of the type of art admired in the pages of the novels.
- Copyright year: 2025
The Last Judgment of Kings / Le Jugement dernier des rois
A Bilingual Edition
In this provocative, action-packed comedy that premiered the day after Marie-Antoinette’s beheading, the kings and queens of Europe are marooned on a secluded island, paraded like animals, tried for their crimes, and obliterated by a volcano. This volume offers the first standalone critical edition and English translation of the most infamous play of the French Revolution.
Dans cette comédie riche en événements et scandales qui débuta le lendemain de l’exécution de Marie-Antoinette, les rois et reines d’Europe sont abandonnés sur une île déserte, exhibés et enchaînés tels des animaux, jugés pour leurs crimes, et anéantis par un volcan. Nous proposons ici la première édition critique et la première traduction anglaise de la pièce la plus célèbre de la Révolution française.
- Copyright year: 2025
Jane Austen and Masculinity
Essays in this wide-ranging collection consider representations of men and masculinity in Jane Austen’s fiction and popular adaptations of her novels. As the first volume to specifically address this topic, Jane Austen and Masculinity makes an important critical intervention, and invites further research on gender and sexuality within Austen’s corpus.
- Copyright year: 2025
Prolific Ground
Landscape and British Women's Writing, 1690–1790
Prolific Ground investigates landownership as a crucial factor in the emergence of British women’s independence during the long eighteenth century. Staking a claim to the nation’s investment in land, women writers acquired a socio-political authority that otherwise eluded them. The landscapes that emerge in their writing testify to the socio-political power of land in this era.
- Copyright year: 2025
British Romanticism and Prison Reform
British Romanticism and Prison Reform is the first full-length study to explore and define the close relationship between British Romantic literary texts, on the one hand, and the birth of the modern prison, on the other, giving long overdue attention to the revolution in punishment coterminous with the age we call Romantic.
- Copyright year: 2025
Consuming Anxieties
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Trade in British Satire, 1660-1751
Consuming Anxieties examines the varied representations of alcohol and tobacco products in literary satire from 1660-1751. Tracing the nuanced satirical treatments of these consumable items throughout the period, it considers understudied plays, poems, and essays alongside more canonical works, shedding light on critical responses to the rise of consumer culture.
- Copyright year: 2024
The Essential Poetry of Bohdan Ihor Antonych
Ecstasies and Elegies
This essential collection introduces the poetry of Lemko-Ukrainian poet Bohdan Ihor Antonych (1909-37) to new audiences, and includes many first-time English translations, a biographical sketch by Michael M. Naydan, and a comprehensive introduction by Lidia Stefanowska, one of the world's leading experts on the work of this remarkable Ukrainian poet.
- Copyright year: 2024
Science Fusion in Contemporary Mexican Literature
- Copyright year: 2024
Contemporary Francophone African Plays
An Anthology
Contemporary Francophone African Plays: An Anthology presents performable English translations of eleven West African plays, dating from 1970 to 2021. Works by Dadié, Labou Tansi, Zinsou, Liking, Pliya, Alem, Kwahulé, Éfoui, Akakpo, Mukagasana, and Diouf skewer colonization, grapple with identity, and retell history and myth from African perspectives.
- Copyright year: 2024
The Part and the Whole in Early American Literature, Print Culture, and Art
This collection maps the significance of fragmentary forms in early American literature and culture from the mid-seventeenth to mid-nineteenth century. The Part and the Whole recovers the distinct aesthetics of the incomplete, retelling the story of American culture by reorienting our collective understanding toward texts and objects that have often been critically ignored.
- Copyright year: 2024