Prolific Ground
192 pages, 6 1/8 x 9 1/4
2 color and 4 B-W images
Release Date:15 Nov 2024
Release Date:15 Nov 2024

Prolific Ground

Landscape and British Women's Writing, 1690-1790

Bucknell University Press
Land ownership—and engagement with land more generally—constituted a crucial dimension of female independence in eighteenth-century Britain. Because political citizenship was restricted to male property owners, women could not wield political power in the way propertied men did. Given its foundational socio-political function, land necessarily generated copious writing that vested it with considerable aesthetic and economic value. This book, then, situates these issues in relation to the historical transformation of landscape under emergent capitalism. The women writers featured herein—including Jane Barker, Anne Finch, Sarah Scott, and Elizabeth Montagu—participated in this transformation by celebrating female estate stewardship and evaluating the estate stewardship of men. By asserting their authority in such matters, these writers acquired a degree of independence and self-determination that otherwise proved elusive.
Nicolle Jordan is an associate professor of English at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, where she has also served as director of women’s and gender studies.

List of Illustrations

Introduction: Landscape Studies and British Women’s Literary History

1 Jane Barker’s Liminal Landscapes

2 Stewarding the Country House: Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea

3 “And the Country Adjacent”: Sarah Scott’s Literary Landscaping

4 Elizabeth Montagu, Bluestocking Landscaper






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