Principles of Reiki
Revised Edition
Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing system based on channellingspiritual energy through the hands. Taught through initiation, it isextremely effective for treating many health and emotional problems,and brings a profound sense of relaxation and peace.
This concise introduction covers the history and spiritualprinciples of Reiki, how it is taught and practiced and what to expectfrom a Reiki treatment. The author explains how Reiki can be combinedwith other methods of healing, how it is used in healing in everydaylife and how to find a Reiki Master. Interesting and informative casevignettes are included throughout.
Written in an engaging style, this book is ideal for anyoneconsidering Reiki treatment, or simply interested in finding out moreabout this healing system. Students and practitioners of Reiki willalso find it to be a useful reference, and a perfect introduction torecommend to clients.
Kajsa Krishni Boräng has been a Reiki master since1984. She has taught Reiki all over the world. Krishni lived in anashram in India for ten years where she was initiated into the Reikilineage by Wanja Twan. After living in the UK for nearly 20 years, shenow lives on an island outside Gothenburg in Sweden.
Acknowledgements. Foreword by Wanja Twan. Introduction. 1. My Story.2. What is Reiki? 3. Initiation and Lineage. 4. History of Reiki - theLineage. 5. Wanja Twan, my Reiki Master. 6. A Reiki Treatment. 7. FirstDegree Reiki. 8. Second Degree Reiki. 9. Reiki for Animals and Plants.10. Living with Reiki. 11. Reiki Combined with Other Methods ofHealing. 12. How to Find a Reiki Master. 13. The Spiritual Principlesof Reiki. Afterwords. Useful Websites. Further Reading.