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Mudras of India
336 pages, 7 x 10
264 b&w photos
Release Date:01 Jun 2013
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Mudras of India

A Comprehensive Guide to the Hand Gestures of Yoga and Indian Dance

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

For thousands of years hand mudras have been used in India forhealing, storytelling, emotional expression, and to evoke and conveyelevated spiritual states. For the first time, the elaborate system ofmudras – as applied in yoga and Indian dance –has been organized into a comprehensive, fully-indexed, andcross-referenced format that allows readers access to this stillesoteric body of knowledge.

Mudras of India presents over twohundred photographed hand mudras, each with detailed instructionson technique, application, health and spiritual benefits, andhistorical background. The authors have extensively researched theusage of mudras and their significance in the larger context of Indianspiritual systems, and taken painstaking efforts to ensure each mudrasis rendered with the correct Sanskrit name, transliteration, andtranslation to English.

The book will appeal to spiritual seekers, students, and teachers ofyoga and Indian Dance, scholars and lay people, and anyone interestedin the rich cultural heritage of Indian mudras, and the transformativeeffects of these powerful hand gestures.

Cain Carroll teaches yoga, qigong, meditation, andself-healing worldwide. He has trained extensively under the guidanceof Daoist, Buddhist, and Indian Yoga masters. His journeys have takenhim to remote areas of India, China, Nepal, Tibet, Thailand, and SouthAmerica, where he received private instruction in many rare andpowerful practices. Cain is co-author of Partner Yoga andcreator of three self-healing DVDs. His website can be visited Revital Carroll has beendedicated to the study of Indian spiritual arts since childhood.Intensive study and practice of yoga and meditation in the Himalayasled her to discover her passion for Odissi Indian Dance. She is thecreator of three instructional DVDs, and she offers classes, workshops,and performances worldwide. Visit for moreinformation.

Blessing. Foreword. Acknowledgements. Sanskrit Pronunciation Guide.Introduction: The History and Heritage of Mudras. Getting Started. TheMudras. Notes. Appendix A: Energy Anatomy. Appendix B: Gayatri Mudras.Appendix C: Dance Mudra Sets. Glossary. Bibliography. Index. About theAuthors.

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