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Qigong for Wellbeing in Dementia and Aging
Release Date:21 Apr 2015
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Qigong for Wellbeing in Dementia and Aging

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Qigong is the centuries-old practice of moving vital energy (Qi) through the channels of the body, known as meridians, to promote vitality and health. Stephen Rath details current research and Traditional Chinese Medicine theory to show how Qigong practice can support cognitive functioning, as well as emotional and physical wellbeing, in people with dementia.

Qigong for Wellbeing in Dementia and Aging presents a set of accessible Qigong exercises and breathing techniques adapted specifically for older people who may be frail or have limited mobility, which address specific symptoms associated with dementia. These include exercises for the hands and feet, exercises for releasing emotions through the Five Animal Sounds, seated exercises, and facial exercises. The exercises, contributed by the Natural Healing Research Foundation from their Senior Exercise Class in Hawaii, are presented with clear explanatory illustrations, and an accompanying online video of seniors practicing Qigong supports both individual and group instruction. The final part of the book describes the Chinese understanding of nutrition as an essential underpinning of good health into old age, and provides health-giving food and drink recipes for people with dementia based on these principles. There is also a helpful chapter on practicing Qigong to protect against caregiver burnout.

This will be an invaluable book for care professionals, nurses, activity coordinators, and physical therapists, as well as people with dementia and their families.

RELATED TOPICS: Health & Well-Being, Qigong
As the average human life span has steadily increased since the last century, dementia has become a major challenge to the wellbeing of the aging population. How to prevent, treat and improve dementia is a task our society faces. To solve this task, a combined effort is needed from different philosophies and medical fields - a place where the East meets the West. Stephen Rath has studied with Grandmaster for many years, and verified numerous successes of Grandmaster's Qigong exercises in helping people with dementia. This book provides clear and concise information about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Medicine in order to help readers understand Qigong's benefit for this illness. The format of the exercises are easy to understand and practice. I hope this book will bring new light in fighting dementia and improving the quality of life for our elders. – Dr. Shi Cheng, MM (China), Dipl. Ac., Vice President and Co-Founder of Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CSTCM), Denver, CO

This book is an extraordinary and valuable source of information about natural healing fundamentals for maintaining good health and wellbeing. It reveals endured wisdoms and secrets more than five thousand years old. I personally benefited from using exercises and nutritional information that were explicitly described in the book - I retired from office at age eighty-eight.

Although the target is dementia and aging, the information applies to all aspects of remaining fit and healthy. It is detailed, shared actual cases, easy to understand, and the exercise illustrations are precise. I urgently recommend this book to people of all ages who want to stay healthy.

– U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (RET)
Stephen Rath, MA, and his wife, Marcia Rath, MEd, have been students and practitioners of Qigong and Tai Chi since 1997. They live in Denver, Colorado, and in South Dartmouth, Massachusetts, where they teach Qigong.
Preface. Introduction. Part I: A Natural Healing Approach to Dementia. 1. Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Perspectives on Dementia. 2. Examples of the Rejuvenating Power of Natural Healing. 3. Natural Healing for Emotional Wellbeing. 4. Rejuvenation for the Caregiver. 5. Conclusion. Part II: Exercises to Awaken Natural Healing. 6. Natural Healing Exercises Using the Hands and Feet. 7. Releasing Harmful Emotions through the Five Animal Forms. 8. Relaxation through Facial Energy Massage. 9. Twelve Sitting Exercises: Meditation and Motion to Move Energy through Your Body. Part III: Foods to Awaken Natural Healing. 10. Introduction to the Chinese Understanding of Nutrition. 11. Rejuvenating Foods. About Grandmaster Hong Liu. References. Index.
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