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Yoga Therapy for Stroke
328 pages, 7 x 10
Release Date:21 Sep 2018
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Yoga Therapy for Stroke

A Handbook for Yoga Therapists and Healthcare Professionals

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

A guide to yoga therapy for post-stroke rehabilitation, this book is for yoga teachers and yoga therapists, but also for occupational, recreational, physical and speech therapists who work with people with stroke and may integrate yoga into their practice.

Rooted in evidence-based research and written by two yoga teachers who are also academics and researchers in rehabilitation, the book provides basic information about stroke and neuroplasticity, discusses the mind body disconnect that often occurs after stroke, and provides instruction on how to improve balance, strength and range of motion. It also covers effective meditation techniques to help overcome the stress and emotional impact of stroke.

Clear photographs demonstrate yoga postures and activities specifically adapted for stroke patients, alongside case studies.

RELATED TOPICS: Health & Well-Being, Yoga
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