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Acupuncture and Cancer Survivorship
464 pages, 6 77/100 x 9 61/100
30 photos, 34 redraws by artist
Release Date:21 Jul 2023
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Acupuncture and Cancer Survivorship

Recovery, Renewal, and Transformation

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Acupuncture can play a vital role in helping the growing number of cancer survivors adjust to life after receiving cancer treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. This includes managing the physical and emotional after-effects of diagnosis and treatment, making healthy lifestyle choices, coping with fear of recurrence, learning how to manage a chronic condition, and establishing the "new normal" that is the legacy of a cancer diagnosis and its treatments.

As a guide for practitioners, it aims to help acupuncturists to:

· Understand the challenges faced by cancer survivors who have completed treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy)

· Understand the biomedical context of the consequences of cancer treatments

· Relate their patient’s cancer experience to the principles of east Asian medicine

· Treat some specific consequences of cancer treatment

· Work safely with cancer survivors

· Support cancer survivors on an emotional level

· Help patients come to terms with a chronic condition and adjust to the "new normal"

· Manage expectations of both patient and practitioner

· Access the research that has been conducted in this field.

This beautifully written book has the advantage of coming from the perspective of a highly experienced practitioner-academic. Dr de Valois combines her knowledge of acupuncture in private practice, and experience of working in an integrated healthcare team in the NHS; detailing biomedical and acupuncture approaches to managing the consequences of cancer treatments. Dr Christine A Barry BA, BSc, PhD Medical Anthropology Senior Research Fellow, Brunel University (retired)
This makes me feel I have the skills to be able to offer something good to cancer survivors. I find the honesty and clarity of Beverley’s writing in sharing her own approach and experiences very empowering Maggie Bavington Lic Ac, MSc Chinese Herbal Medicine Acupuncturist and Herbalist
Beverley de Valois is the acupuncture authority on cancer survivorship in the UK and West. This ground-breaking book reflects her in-depth knowledge and extensive expertise. Angela Hicks BSc LicAc FBAcC MRCHM Co-founder and President, College of Integrated Chinese Medicine, Reading, Berkshire UK
This book is an exciting and important new resource in the evidence-informed practice of acupuncture for supporting cancer survivors. I wish I had had it during my years in a hospital oncology service; this is a large population of patients with deep needs for continuing care that may not be effectively addressed by a system that is set up for crisis management. Dr. de Valois’ decades of experience in listening to and caring for these patients are plainly evident, and shine through her careful presentations of what is needed and how we can be of help. Dr Claudia Citkovitz PhD MS LAC Adjunct Faculty, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Author, Acupressure and Acupuncture During Birth.
This book has been anticipated by practitioners and acupuncture students alike. Extending beyond the TCM patterns for cancer, this manual will serve as a wonderful resource for acupuncturists working with cancer patients covering all the softer issues that come with this area of work as well as diagnosis and treatment options in acupuncture. It is filled with information gathered over many years by the author, who has a great wealth of experience both as a practitioner and as a researcher.

Beverley has brought together years her unique experience working with

cancer survivorship as a Chinese medicine practitioner in this book. It will

provide a new generation of practitioners with most valuable support and

guidance that is both practical and useful in a clinical setting. Kim Chan BA (Hons), MA, LicAc, MBAcC Programme Leader for Acupuncture Skills, Chinese Medicine Lecturer and Clinical Supervisor, College of Integrated Chinese Medicine, Reading, Berkshire UK

This book will be invaluable for practitioners of course but also for their clients. The book will facilitate the deepening of the therapeutic relationship Isobel Cosgrove BA[SS], MA[Oxon]MLitt, FBAcC Acupuncturist and Founder of UK Supervision Network, London, UK
a valuable resource for practitioners; very informative, clear, written with an intelligent heart Margré de Vries, LicAc, BSc (Hons) Acupuncture, Dip Shiatsu DO Acupuncture and Shiatsu practitioner, London UK
This is a wonderfully written book which is easy to digest, balancing Beverley’s research and clinical experience. Amy Din MSc BSc (Hons) Dip MBAcC Traditional Acupuncturist. Senior Research Assistant, Trial Coordinator, PhD candidate, University of Southampton, UK
Clear, knowledgeable, practical and diverse information .... this is a must for an acupuncturist’s book shelf/reference . Rachel Peckham MSc LicAc FBAcC Acupuncturist. Trustee and trainer, NADA GB, London UK
A key strength of this unique text is the content on lymphoedema and the importance of adapting acupuncture techniques for risk reduction and safe practice. I love the detailed case studies providing numerous practical tips. Margaret Sneddon, British Lymphology Society Chair

Beverley de Valois PhD LicAc FBAcC MBLS is a licensed acupuncturist, born in Canada and now practising in the UK, where she trained at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine. She is a distinguished researcher of acupuncture for the supportive care of people living with and beyond cancer and holds the post of Researcher in Integrative Medicine at Mount Vernon Cancer Centre in the UK’s National Health Service. An Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol, and a Fellow of the British Acupuncture Council, she chaired the British Lymphology Society Scientific Committee from 2017-2020.

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