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Pain is Really Strange
32 pages, 7 x 9
full-colour illustrations throughout
Release Date:21 Jun 2015
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Pain is Really Strange

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon
Answering questions such as: How can I change my pain experience? Whatis pain? and How do nerves work? This short, research-based graphicbook reveals just how strange pain is and explains how understanding itis often the key to relieving its effects. Studies show thatunderstanding how pain is created and maintained by the nervous systemcan significantly lessen the pain you experience. The narrator in thisoriginal, gently humorous book explains pain in an easy-to-understand,engaging graphic format and reveals how to change the mind’shabits to transform pain.
RELATED TOPICS: Health & Well-Being
Steve Haines has been working in healthcare forover twenty-five years and as a bodyworker since 1998.Understanding the science of pain and trauma has transformed hisapproach to healing.
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