Principles of Kinesiology
Kinesiology is a system of natural health care which combines muscletesting with the principles of Chinese medicine to assess energy andbody function. A touch therapy, it uses a range of gentle yet powerfulhealing techniques and can be effective in the treatment of manyconditions, including allergies, backache, fatigue, emotionaldifficulties, headaches and skin and bowel problems. This bookdescribes how kinesiology can help with these problems by correctingimbalances found in the different forms of kinesiology assessment.
Maggie La Tourelle works in London as a holistictherapist, teacher and writer. She started teaching Touch for Health (aform of kinesiology developed specifically for non-professionals) in1984, and since then has gained experience in all the main branches.Maggie is also a NLP master practitioner. She is a registered member ofthe British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, theKinesiology Federation, the Association for Systematic Kinesiology, theAssociation for Therapeutic Healers, the Scientific and Medical Networkand the Guild of Health Writers. Anthea Courtenay is a freelancewriter, journalist and translator, also based in London.