Singing Dragon is an imprint of Jessica Kingsley Publishers, an independent company committed to publishing accessible books that make a difference.
Singing Dragon publishes authoritative books on complementary and alternative health, Tai Chi, Qigong and ancient wisdom traditions for health, wellbeing, and professional and personal development.
Through the Singing Dragon imprint, Jessica Kingsley Publishers also publishes graphic novels across their subject areas, and books for children on issues such as bereavement, depression and anger.
Principles of Tibetan Medicine
Revised Edition
This concise introduction presents all the essential information on 'gSo-ba-Rig-pa', or Tibetan medicine, from basic theoretical principles and history to methods of diagnosis and treatments.
Principles of the Alexander Technique
2nd Edition
Since its beginnings in Australia in the 1890s, the Alexander Technique has become renowned as a powerful and effective antidote to the stresses and strains that modern life places upon our bodies.
Principles of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Revised Edition
Chinese herbal medicine has become an increasingly popular method of treatment for a range of different health conditions - from eczema to fertility problems. This book presents an authoritative introduction to the fundamentals of Chinese herbal medicine.
Principles of the Enneagram
2nd Edition
Still the definitive introduction to the Enneagram, this revised and updated edition covers all the key information on this curiously accurate system of knowledge about human personality.
Chair Yoga
Seated Exercises for Health and Wellbeing
Chair yoga is a revolutionary concept designed to make the numerous benefits of classical yoga available to a wider range of physical abilities.
The Handbook of Bach Flower Remedies for Animals
This practical handbook explains how Bach Flower Remedies can be highly effective for treating both behavioral and physical complaints in animals.
Chinese Shamanic Cosmic Orbit Qigong
Esoteric Talismans, Mantras, and Mudras in Healing and Inner Cultivation
Master Wu describes the practice of Chinese Shamanic Cosmic Orbit Qigong in detail, and explains the therapeutic benefits and talismanic aspects.
Essential Tai Ji
This classic book distills the basics of the art of Tai Ji, lovingly presented in eloquent writing, and accompanied by splendid full colour photography and beautiful calligraphy.
Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain
The Essence of Tai Ji
The seminal classic text of Taoism and Tai Ji.
A Tai Chi Imagery Workbook
Spirit, Intent, and Motion
This innovative book makes the benefits of Tai Chi directly available to Westerners by communicating its essence in poetic, evocative, and humorous images.