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Principles of Chinese Herbal Medicine
160 pages, 5 x 7 1/2
Release Date:01 Feb 2013
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Principles of Chinese Herbal Medicine

Revised Edition

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon
Chinese herbal medicine has become an increasingly popular method oftreatment for a range of different health conditions - from eczema tofertility problems. This book presents an authoritative introduction tothe fundamentals of Chinese herbal medicine.
Covering everything from the history to the most important Chineseherbs and their properties to what to expect from a consultation, thebook provides readers with all the key information about the theory andpractice of this medical system. It offers advice on how to find aherbalist as well as providing tips on how to improve overallwellbeing. The book also includes patient stories that demonstrate theeffectiveness of Chinese herbs when correctly prescribed.
John Hicks is joint principal and co-founder of theCollege of Integrated Chinese Medicine. He has been a practisingacupuncturist and Chinese herbalist for 35 years. John graduated fromthe College of Traditional Acupuncture, Leamington Spa, in 1974, thenunderwent postgraduate clinical training in Nanjing in 1986 and trainedin herbs with Ted Kaptchuk in 1987. He is author of several books onacupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine and teaches herbs and formulaeon the Chinese herbal medicine courses at the College of IntegratedChinese Medicine. He lives in Reading, UK.
Introduction. 1. How Did Chinese Herbal Medicine Develop? 2. What is itLike to Visit a Herbalist and Take Herbs? 3.Chinese Medical Theory. 4.Patients' Stories. 5. The Herbs and the Formulas. 6. How Can I HelpMyself? 7. So How Do I Find a Herbal Practitioner? For Further Reading.Appendix: Professional Registers. Index.
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