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Chair Yoga
208 pages, 7 x 10
117 b&w drawings
Release Date:01 Sep 2011
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Chair Yoga

Seated Exercises for Health and Wellbeing

By Edeltraud Rohnfeld; Illustrated by Edeltraud Rohnfeld; Translated by Anne Oppenheimer
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Chair yoga is a revolutionary concept designed to make the numerousbenefits of classical yoga available to a wider range of physicalabilities. This step-by-step program can be practiced by virtuallyanyone, anywhere, in any chair, to stimulate physical and mentalwell-being.

This fully illustrated guide contains ninety easy-to-masterexercises that have been specially developed for those with a limitedrange of movement. Clear instructions guide the reader through eachroutine, all of which can be carried out safely without any previousknowledge or yoga expertise. The exercises can also be adapted by yogateachers who want to incorporate chair yoga into their classes.

This book will be popular with anyone wanting to experience the healthbenefits of an easy, versatile form of yoga, particularly the elderly,individuals rehabilitating after injury or illness, those with physicaldisabilities, as well as the professionals who support them.
Edeltraud Rohnfeld qualified as a yoga teacher at theBerlin Yoga Institute Asha Rekai in 1991. She taught private yogaclasses in Berlin for 15 years and trained yoga teachers andhealth-care professionals.


What is chair yoga? Why do yoga today?

The exercises

1. The Importance of Breathing Practice

2. Exercises for the Feet and Toes

3. Exercises for the Legs

4. Exercises for the Fingers, Hands and Wrists

5. Exercises for the arms

6. Exercises for the Back

7. Exercises for the Shoulders, Throat und Neck

8. Standing Exercises (Some with, Some without a Chair).

9. Exercises for Both Sides of the Brain

10. Pelvic Floor Exercise

11. Exercises for the Eyes

12. Relaxation

13. Exercise Guidelines

Fifteen-minute yoga programmes


Further reading

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