Principles of the Enneagram
2nd Edition
Still the definitive introduction to the Enneagram, this revised and updated edition covers all the key information on this curiously accurate system of knowledge about human personality.
Father Involvement in Canada
Diversity, Renewal, and Transformation
Exploring the diverse roles fathers play in their children’s lives, Father Involvement in Canada provides a timely synopsis of current knowledge while challenging many long-held assumptions about fatherhood.
Intoxicating Manchuria
Alcohol, Opium, and Culture in China's Northeast
Examines how alcohol, opium, and addiction were portrayed in the culture of China’s Northeast during the first half of the twentieth century.
Health and Sustainability in the Canadian Food System
Advocacy and Opportunity for Civil Society
Lays out new strategies for advocacy groups to achieve a sustainable, healthy food system.
Epidemic Encounters
Influenza, Society, and Culture in Canada, 1918-20
A multidisciplinary exploration of Canada’s experience of illness and death during the 1918-20 influenza pandemic.
Try to Control Yourself
The Regulation of Public Drinking in Post-Prohibition Ontario, 1927-44
A fascinating history that challenges common assumptions of how the Ontario government attempted to regulate licensed public drinking after the repeal of prohibition.
A Healthy Society
How a Focus on Health can Revive Canadian Democracy
A doctor’s eye view of the determinants of health and frontline stories of patient experiences.
Health in Rural Canada
This topical, comprehensive volume surveys the current state of rural health and health care across Canada to enhance our knowledge of health differences and similarities across Canadian geographies.
Being Relational
Reflections on Relational Theory and Health Law
This groundbreaking collection explores relational theory and how it can be brought to bear on practical areas of concern in health law and policy.
Feminist Community Research
Case Studies and Methodologies
Researchers from multiple disciplines discuss the potential and the challenges of feminist community research.
Maintaining Recovery from Eating Disorders
Avoiding Relapse and Recovering Life
Written with the aim of helping those in recovery discover their own unique insights and passions and awaken a desire to enjoy life to the fullest, this positive and life-affirming book will be an invaluable aid for anyone in recovery from an eating disorder.
Chasing Molecules
Poisonous Products, Human Health, and the Promise of Green Chemistry
Chasing Molecules explores the development of green chemistry as an alternative to the dangerous synthetic chemicals found in countless consumer products.
Chair Yoga
Seated Exercises for Health and Wellbeing
Chair yoga is a revolutionary concept designed to make the numerous benefits of classical yoga available to a wider range of physical abilities.
A Parent's Guide to Defeating Eating Disorders
Spotting the Stealth Bomber and Other Symbolic Approaches
This book is packed with metaphorical explanations that will allow parents and caregivers to ally themselves with treatment rather than the eating disorder, and take positive steps with their child towards a full and lasting recovery.
Feminist Ethics and Social Policy
Towards a New Global Political Economy of Care
This volume addresses the theoretical and practical relationships among the feminization of migrant labour, the ethics of care, and social policy in the new global economy.
The Handbook of Bach Flower Remedies for Animals
This practical handbook explains how Bach Flower Remedies can be highly effective for treating both behavioral and physical complaints in animals.
Chinese Shamanic Cosmic Orbit Qigong
Esoteric Talismans, Mantras, and Mudras in Healing and Inner Cultivation
Master Wu describes the practice of Chinese Shamanic Cosmic Orbit Qigong in detail, and explains the therapeutic benefits and talismanic aspects.
Essential Tai Ji
This classic book distills the basics of the art of Tai Ji, lovingly presented in eloquent writing, and accompanied by splendid full colour photography and beautiful calligraphy.
Health Inequities in Canada
Intersectional Frameworks and Practices
Highlights the potential of intersectionality as a research paradigm for the health sciences.
Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain
The Essence of Tai Ji
The seminal classic text of Taoism and Tai Ji.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME
Support for Family and Friends
This accessible introduction to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome offers much-needed information and support to the friends, families, and caregivers of people who have the condition.
Who will I be when I die?
Christine Bryden offers rare first-hand insights into dementia, and how it feels to gradually lose the ability to undertake tasks most people take for granted.
A Tai Chi Imagery Workbook
Spirit, Intent, and Motion
This innovative book makes the benefits of Tai Chi directly available to Westerners by communicating its essence in poetic, evocative, and humorous images.
Taking Medicine
Women's Healing Work and Colonial Contact in Southern Alberta, 1880-1930
Taking Medicine challenges traditional understandings of colonial medicine by bringing to light the healing work of Aboriginal and settler women in southern Alberta.
More Moments in Time
Images of Exemplary Nursing
Perry’s weaving of interviewee’s stories and her own field notes and poetry creates a very personal perspective on nursing that leaves the reader with a greater understanding of the experience, and rewards, of caring for others.
Healing Traditions
The Mental Health of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
Before and After Radical Prostate Surgery
Information and Resource Guide
Before and After Radical Prostate Surgery is a research-based, comprehensive, and comprehensible resource on prostate surgery in Canada.
Criminal Artefacts
Governing Drugs and Users
By looking curiously on the criminal addict as an artefact of criminal justice, this book asks us to question why the criminalized drug user has become such a focus of contemporary criminal justice practices.