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More Moments in Time
224 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Aug 2009
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More Moments in Time

Images of Exemplary Nursing

Athabasca University Press
Within most disciplines, there are those who are recognized by their
colleagues as being exceptionally competent practitioners. These
individuals do their work in such a remarkable way as to become a model
for others. This book is base on a study of the beliefs, actions, and
interactions of a group of extraordinary oncology nurses-the people
their peers would choose to have care for them if they were diagnosed
with cancer.

Perry’s weaving of interviewee’s stories and her own field
notes and poetry creates a very personal perspective on nursing that
leaves the reader with a greater understanding of the experience, and
rewards, of caring for others.
Beth has been able to capture, through her writing, the most intimate care between nurse and patient. Her writing style is clear and clean. Dr. Olive Yonge, University of Alberta
Beth Perry has worked as both a nurse and an educatorin medicine, oncology, and palliative care. She has been an AssociateProfessor of Nursing and Health Studies at Athabasca University since2001.

Chapter 1: The Power and Promise of ExemplaryNursing Care

Chapter 2: The Multi-layered Landscape

Chapter 3: The Dialogue of Silence

Chapter 4: Mutual Touch

Chapter 5: Sharing the Lighter Side of Life

Chapter 6: The Effects of Exemplary Nursing CareConnecting

Chapter 7: Lessons Learned



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