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A Parent's Guide to Defeating Eating Disorders
Spotting the Stealth Bomber and Other Symbolic Approaches
Building a supportive and open relationship with young peoplesuffering from eating disorders is key to assisting the recoveryprocess. This book is packed with metaphorical explanations that willallow parents and caregivers to ally themselves with treatment ratherthan the eating disorder, and take positive steps with their childtowards a full and lasting recovery.
Written by experienced eating disorder specialists, the book willhelp caregivers to reach out to young people having difficultycooperating with treatment. Its effective use of analogies andmetaphors helps to crystallize a practical understanding of eatingdisorders and the crucial aspects of the treatment process. Integratingmedical, psychological, and narrative aspects, as well as the visual(with illustrations), it encourages the reader, and by extension thesufferer, to conceptualize each step towards health.
This book will be an invaluable tool for families, friends, andthose working with young people suffering from eating disorders. Thefresh perspective will also appeal to mental health professionals andanyone else working in the field.
Preface by the authors
1. Rationale for analogies and metaphors
2. Eating disorders as illnesses: an historical perspective
3. Recognizing and diagnosing an eating disorder
4. Outpatient management
5. Multi-family therapy
6. Day hospital program
7. Inpatient treatment
8. The recovery process
9. Conclusion
Tables and figures
Index of analogies and metaphors
Further reading