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Assessment Strategies for Online Learning
212 pages, 6 x 9
7 b&w figures
Release Date:01 Aug 2018
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Assessment Strategies for Online Learning

Engagement and Authenticity

Athabasca University Press

For many learners, assessment conjures up visions of red pens scrawling percentages in the top right-hand corner of exams and accompanying feelings of stress, inadequacy, and failure. Although negative student reactions to evaluation have been noted, assessment has provided educational institutions with information about student learning outcomes and the quality of education for many decades. But has it informed practice and been fully incorporated into the learning cycle? Conrad and Openo argue that the potential inherent in many of the new learning environments being explored by educators and students has not been fully realized. In this investigation of a variety of assessment methods and learning approaches, the authors aim to discover the tools that engage learners and authentically evaluate education. They insist that moving to new learning environments, specifically those online and at a distance, afford opportunities for educators to adopt only the best practices of traditional face-to-face assessment while exploring evaluation tools made available by a digital learning environment in the hopes of arriving at methods that capture the widest set of learner skills and attributes.

Dianne Conrad spent thirty-three years teaching and researching at Athabasca University in the Centre ofr Distance Education. She is the co-editor of the International Review of Open and Distributed Education and is a member of several editorial boards of international journals. Her research interests include adult and distance education, online learning, and prior learning assessment and recognition. Jason Openo is the manager of the Centre for Integrated Teaching Experiences at Medicine Hat College in Alberta and is a sessional instructor of information services management at MacEwan University.


1 A framework for assessment in online learning: The big picture

2 The contribution of principles of adult education to online learning and assessment

3 What do you believe? The importance of your beliefs about teaching and learning in online assessment

4 Authentic, engaging, and quality assessment

5 Assessment using e-portfolios, journals, projects, and group work

6 Alternative assessments, flexible learning, badges, and accreditation: The age of “open”

7 Planning an assessment and evaluation strategy – authentically

8 Blended learning, flexible learning, flipped learning, social media, and assessment

9 A few words on self-assessment

10 Final words

Appendix: Reflections from the field with contributions by: Stephen Downes, Ellen Rose, Terry Anderson, Archie Zariski, Beth Perry, Julie Shattuck, Dianne Conrad, Rory McGreal, Lisa Marie Blaschke, Gürhan Durak, Noam Ebner, Susan Bainbridge, and Jon Dron

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