Templeton Press

The Templeton Press was established in 1997 by Sir John Templeton to publish books and disseminate ideas that reflected his philanthropic interests. While the topics and areas of focus changed over time, the Press focused its work on four areas of work—Foundational Questions in Science; Virtues and Character Development; Spirituality and Mental Health; Science and Religion; Books by and about Sir John Templeton and books that explored many dimensions of individual freedom and free markets. In 2023, the Templeton Press entered into an agreement with Rutgers University Press which allows Rutgers to publish, market and distribute the Templeton book list on behalf of Templeton Press. Templeton Press is distributed in Canada by UBC Press.

Showing 133-144 of 185 items.

In the Wake of Disaster

Religious Responses to Terrorism and Catastrophe

Templeton Press

This book provides information on the psychological, social, and spiritual responses to trauma. It addresses how the emergency response system works, and the role that religious communities can play in disaster response and recovery in terms of providing emotional and spiritual care for victims. It advocates integrating mental health into emergency response systems directed at those affected by hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and terrorism. "The aim is to help victims of disaster to better cope with the stresses they face, as well as help direct care workers (firefighters, police, health care providers, etc.) to deal better emotionally with the trauma to which they are exposed so they can remain effective and functional on the job," explains Dr. Koenig, whose research on the healing power of faith has been published worldwide.

  • Copyright year: 2006

When Sickness Heals

The Place of Religious Belief in Healthcare

Templeton Press

In When Sickness Heals, Dr. Siroj Sorajjakool draws on more than ten years of studies on health benefits in relation to spirituality, especially focusing on the function of "meaning." He expounds on his theory that healing is primarily the function of meaning, and meaning transcends sickness and even death itself. He concludes that what people ultimately seek in life is the healing of their souls. 

Sorajjakool brings many Eastern and Western resources to his conversation on health, meaning, and healing. He incorporates the perspectives of theologians and philosophers like Paul Tillich, Carl Jung, Søren Kierkegaard, Raimundo Panikkar, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and John Macquarrie; as well as references to religious texts, including yin and yang, and alchemy.

A clear, distinct understanding of spirituality in clinical contexts is presented, with an argument for the role of meaning in the healing process, based on evidence that there may be healing even in the face of death. Sorajjakool identifies the transitional processes people may go through as they seek to make sense of their experiences during a health crisis. He suggests an alternative approach to spiritual assessment and provides methods of spiritual care that speak to the soul.


  • Copyright year: 2006

New Thought, Ancient Wisdom

The History and Future of the New Thought Movement

Templeton Press

In this book, Glenn R. Mosley chronicles the history of the movement, including biographical sketches and the philosophies of pioneers and influential leaders linked to the movement's development and growth. These include Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, the founders of Unity; Ernest Holmes, founder of the Science of Mind; Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the Church of Christ Science; Ralph Waldo Trine, philosopher, mystic, teacher, and early mentor of New Thought; Joel Goldsmith, founder of The Infinite Way, among others. 

  • Copyright year: 2006

Human Nature

Reflections on the Integration of Psychology and Christianity

Templeton Press

Malcolm Jeeves, former editor-in-chief of Neuropsychologia, a leading international scientific journal in behavioral and cognitive neuroscience, explores the intersection of science and faith in defining what it means to be human. He reports on recent scientific research on consciousness and the link between mind, brain, and behavior. He examines issues such as determinism by indicating the possible relevance of chaos theory to enduring concerns about freedom and responsibility. He looks at similarities and differences between human nature and animal nature. He reexamines traditional dualist views of soul and body in the light of contemporary research on mind and brain and argues for a wholistic model. This leads to addressing questions such as: does spiritual awareness depend on the intactness of our brains or does spirituality stand apart from our biological substrate?

  • Copyright year: 2006

Thrift & Generosity

Joy Of Giving

Templeton Press

In these difficult economic times, thrift may seem like a necessity, rather than a route to joy. But in this handbook, the reader learns about the virtue of thrift, and how, in combination with gratitude and generosity, it can lead to deep, lasting contentment.

The book explores the qualities that distinguish thriftiness from merely being cheap; it looks at thrift and wisdom, thrift and gratitude, thrift and ethical standards, and thrift and hard work. With references from the Bible, literature, poetry, and philosophy, as well as examples from daily life, thrift is shown to be more than just understanding the bottom line. Indeed, thrift is part of a religious and cultural understanding of how we use our time, our talents, and our resources.

  • Copyright year: 2006

The Templeton Plan

21 Steps To Personal Success

Templeton Press

John Templeton believes that his financial accomplishments are directly related to his strong convictions. Now he shares the secrets of his phenomenal success in twenty-one principles that provide readers with solid guidelines for prosperity and happiness.
Templeton maintains that the common denominator connecting successful people with successful enterprises is a devotion to ethical and spiritual principles. He emphasizes the “laws of life”—truthfulness, perseverance, thrift, enthusiasm, humility, and altruism—that can help everyone discover and develop their individual abilities.

  • Copyright year: 2006

Love That Works

Art & Science Of Giving

Templeton Press

This original, highly readable book poses a clear distinction between our customary form of love, which almost guarantees failure, and higher, more generous ways of loving that can succeed and enrich both individuals and society as a whole. Love That Works draws on history, psychology, and the theology and science of love to offer a proposal on how to be successful in love and romance. It starts by showing why love fails to meet expectations, often ending sadly or even tragically.

  • Copyright year: 2006

Christianity and Process Thought

Spirituality for a Changing World

Templeton Press

Bracken examines divine and human creativity, the collective power of good and evil, divine providence and human freedom, prayer, altruism, and the fundamental question, “What is truth?” He shows how Whitehead’s process thought approach to these issues could “harmonize” traditional Christian beliefs and contemporary culture, benefiting faith and reason.

  • Copyright year: 2006

The Power of Forgiving

Templeton Press

Forgiveness is a virtue that author Everett L. Worthington Jr. has advocated throughout his career as a counselor and psychologist. In this book, he explains the paradoxical power of forgiveness through his personal and professional experiences and through the wisdom of others. The paradox is that in forgiving for the well-being of others, we actually receive tremendous benefits for ourselves in terms of physical and mental health.

  • Copyright year: 2005

Science and Providence

God's Interaction with the World

Templeton Press

Internationally renowned priest-scientist Dr. John C. Polkinghorne examines whether a personal, interacting God is a credible concept in today's scientific age. Encouraging the belief that there is a compatibility between the insights of science and the insights of religion, this book, previously published in the United Kingdom, focuses on the viewpoint that the world is one in which both human beings and God have the freedom to act.

  • Copyright year: 2005

Faith and Mental Health

Religious Resources for Healing

Templeton Press

Dr. Harold Koenig opens a window on mental health, providing an unprecedented source of practical information about the relationship between religion and mental health. He examines how Christianity and other world religions deliver mental health services today, and he makes recommendations, based on research, expertise, and experience, for new programs to meet local needs.

  • Copyright year: 2005

Why Are We Created

Templeton Press

While many books strive to stimulate thinking through provocative anecdotes and theories, Why Are We Created? takes a different path. It begins with a question and continues with a multitude of questions like these:

•What is the importance of recognizing the presence of the sacred within us and around us?
•How can individuals create a purposeful and fruitful way of life?
•How does happiness relate to one's purpose?
The intent of these questions is to encourage thoughtfulness, observation, and research that enlarges understanding while offering a sense of direction. The goal is to help individuals live a more useful and happy life.

  • Copyright year: 2003
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