Sir John Templeton

Showing 1-8 of 8 items.

Agape Love

Tradition In Eight World Religions

Templeton Press
  • Copyright year: 1999
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Templeton Plan

21 Steps to Personal Success and Real Happiness

Templeton Press

Sir John Templeton (1912–2008), the Wall Street legend who has been described as “arguably the greatest global stock picker of the twentieth century,” clearly knew what it took to be successful. The most important thing, he observed, was to have strong convictions that guided your life—this was the common denominator he saw in all successful people and enterprises. Fortunately for us, he was eager to share his own blueprint for personal success and happiness with the rest of the world. In The Templeton Plan, he laid out the twenty-one guiding principles by which he governed both his professional and personal life.

  • Copyright year: 2013
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Possibilities for Over One Hundredfold More Spiritual Information

The Humble Approach in Theology and Science

Templeton Press

Sir John Templeton challenges the reader to apply the same energy that has been devoted to scientific inquiry to the pursuit of spiritual information. The world is at a state of unprecedented technical expertise, but why has our knowledge and faith in our own spirituality stalled and become obsolete in recent times?
Possibilities for Over One Hundredfold More Spiritual Information seeks to address this question. It points out that our spiritual knowledge would also have the capacity to increase dramatically if we were to open our minds to the endless possibilities that await us in terms of our spiritual lives. These include altruistic love for all people, new knowledge of the Divine, and a greater sense of our place in the universe. In order for us as human beings to take advantage of all of the spiritual gifts that we have been given, we need to be open and receptive to our individual spiritual natures, and to open ourselves to the limitless spiritual possibilities available to us.

  • Copyright year: 2000
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Story Of A Clam

Visionary Fiction

Templeton Press

Story of a Clam is a special, magical tale of an egotistical clam who thinks he and his community are the center of the universe. It offers us the artistry of the written word, creating an adventure in evolving consciousness. In an exciting series of events, the clam becomes aware that "there is more to life than you presently know and experience."

  • Copyright year: 2001
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Pure Unlimited Love

Templeton Press

Understanding and expressing unconditional love—also called agape love—can be a lifelong quest. First, however, we must ask ourselves and others what it is. Is it an action, a universal energy, or a creative principle? And if we understand it, can its expression ever be realized, or is it simply a divine attribute?

These and other questions are addressed in an inspirational and practical style in this philosophical essay from Sir John Templeton. He seeks to define pure, unlimited love as the "transcendent power of divine love that expresses itself through our hearts and minds when we are open and receptive to it." Its greatest attributes are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

  • Copyright year: 2000
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The Essential Worldwide Laws of Life

Templeton Press

This handsome volume shows readers of all ages, from all parts of the world, how to make their lives more joyous and useful by learning the universal truths that transcend time and culture.

Each law is presented in an essay format, with stories, commentary, and quotations to illustrate its importance. The material is designed to inspire the reader to put these laws into practice and to enjoy the rewarding life that will result.

  • Copyright year: 2012
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Agape Love

Tradition In Eight World Religions

Templeton Press

The tradition of agape, or unconditional love, is not exclusive to any religion. It is a primary underlying principle found in religions worldwide. The concept of altruistic love challenges the spiritual person to "love your enemies" or to "love without thought of return." It is a love that flows out to others through compassion, kindness, tenderness, and charitable giving.

  • Copyright year: 2007
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Why Are We Created

Templeton Press

While many books strive to stimulate thinking through provocative anecdotes and theories, Why Are We Created? takes a different path. It begins with a question and continues with a multitude of questions like these:

•What is the importance of recognizing the presence of the sacred within us and around us?
•How can individuals create a purposeful and fruitful way of life?
•How does happiness relate to one's purpose?
The intent of these questions is to encourage thoughtfulness, observation, and research that enlarges understanding while offering a sense of direction. The goal is to help individuals live a more useful and happy life.

  • Copyright year: 2003
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