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Agape Love
112 pages, 5 1/2 x 6 1/4
Release Date:22 Apr 2019
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Agape Love

Tradition In Eight World Religions

Templeton Press

The tradition of agape, or unconditional love, is not exclusive to any religion. It is a primary underlying principle found in religions worldwide. The concept of altruistic love challenges the spiritual person to "love your enemies" or to "love without thought of return." It is a love that flows out to others through compassion, kindness, tenderness, and charitable giving.

Buddhists have a path of compassion, where caring for others becomes the motivating force behind existence. Hindus have a branch of yoga, the heart-centered path, that leads to enlightenment through an overwhelming love for God that takes the form of loving all humanity. Eastern religions, such as Taoism and Confucianism, see transcendent love as essential to true wisdom.

Love is a universal theme of love found in all religious traditions, Buddhist, Christian, Islam, or others. As we realize that all religions have this spiritual principle of love at their core, we can develop a sense of shared humanity. The religious tradition of agape love examined in this book will inspire those who are learning to grow in compassion and love for all people.

‘A gem of a book explaining how this principle of agape love is to be found in all the major traditions, including, in this case, Confucianism and Native American Spirituality. Each tradition is clearly set out in a few simple pages with memorable quotations interspersed on alternate pages. Inspiring bedtime reading. —Scientific and Medical Network

‘In Agape Love, Sir John Templeton explores the varied concepts of love set forth in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Native American spirituality through passages from sacred texts and noting common threads. His commentaries are brief yet insightful. . . . . I have enjoyed reading it many times. Its message is simple, yet it has profound implications on the interrelatedness of all spiritual endeavors.’ —Grand Rapids Press

‘Though small, this little volume carries a lot of weight. Just right for giving or keeping close at hand, it’s proof once again that really good things don’t always need big packages.’ —NAPRA Review

‘Overall, this compact book offers the reader insights into love and the commonality and thread by which all religions are united. Sir John Templeton provides a unique look into what all religions have to offer in agape. —Catholic Library World

Sir John Templeton was born in Winchester, Tennessee, went to Yale and then to Oxford as a Rhodes scholar. He is known for his astute investment skills on Wall Street and through the Templeton Mutual Funds. In 1987 he founded the John Templeton Foundation, and he currently funds the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion.

Introduction / 1

Judaism / 11

Christianity / 23

Islam / 35

Hinduism / 45

Buddhism / 59

Taoism / 69

Confucianism / 81

Native American Spirituality / 89

Concluding Thoughts / 99

References and Further Reading / 103

About the Author / 105

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