“That Tongue Be Time”
Norma Cole and a Continuous Making
Thinking with the Poem
Essays on the Poetry and Poetics of Rachel Blau DuPlessis
Rethinking the North American Long Poem
Form, Matter, Experiment
Ingenious Pleasures
An Anthology of Punk, Trash, and Camp in Twentieth-Century Poetry
A Description of Acquaintance
The Letters of Laura Riding and Gertrude Stein, 1927-1930
All This Thinking
The Correspondence of Bernadette Mayer and Clark Coolidge
All This Thinking explores the deep friendship and the critical and creative thinking between Bernadette Mayer and Clark Coolidge, focusing on an intense three-year period in their three decades of correspondence.
"A Serpentine Gesture"
John Ashbery's Poetry and Phenomenology
Evaluations of US Poetry since 1950, Volume 2
Mind, Nation, and Power
Horace speaks of poetry delighting and instructing. While Evaluations of US Poetry since 1950, Volume 1 explores the pleasures of poetry--its language, forms, and musicality--volume 2 focuses on the public dimensions.
Evaluations of US Poetry since 1950, Volume 1
Language, Form, and Music
The essays collected in both volumes of Evaluations of US Poetry since 1950 move away from esoteric literary criticism toward a more evaluative and speculative inquiry that will serve as the basis from which poets will be discussed and taught over the next half-century and beyond.
Modernist Poetry and the Limitations of Materialist Theory
The Importance of Constructivist Values
In Modernist Poetry and the Limitations of Materialist Theory, Charles Altieri skillfully dissects the benefits and limitations of Materialist theory for works of art.
Expanding Authorship
Transformations in American Poetry since 1950
Expanding Authorship collects important essays by Peter Middleton that show the many ways in which, in a world of proliferating communications media, poetry-making is increasingly the work of agencies extending beyond that of a single, identifiable author.
Circling the Canon, Volume II
The Selected Book Reviews of Marjorie Perloff, 1995–2017
Circling the Canon, Volume II focuses on the second half of Marjorie Perloff's prolific career, showcasing reviews from 1995 through her 2017 reconsiderations of Jonathan Culler's theory of the lyric and William Empson's classic Seven Types of Ambiguity.
Circling the Canon, Volume I
The Selected Book Reviews of Marjorie Perloff, 1969–1994
Circling the Canon, Volume I covers roughly the first half of Perloff's career, beginning with her first ever review, on Anthony Hecht's The Hard Hours.
Momentous Inconclusions
The Life and Work of Larry Eigner
The essays in this collection examine the breadth of Eigner's interests and influence, considering issues pertaining to ecopoetics, race and ethnicity, disability, technology, media, soundscapes, phenomenology, and popular culture.