Blue Skies over Wuhan
The Evolution of Environmental Protection Policy in Hubei, 1970s–80s
Blue Skies over Wuhan traces the development of environmental protection policy in China through a case study of Hubei Province, where an environmental agenda dominated by economic growth priorities gradually gave way to more mature, state-led governance.
A Cold Colonialism
Modern Exploration and the Canadian North
A Cold Colonialism reframes exploration as a modern enterprise – one through which southern Canadians and Americans sought to exert control over northern peoples and their lands.
Transforming the Prairies
Agricultural Rehabilitation and Modern Canada
Transforming the Prairies critically reassesses Canada’s Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration in light of its involvement in ecological changes and its role in consolidating colonialism and racism.
The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out
Fighting Economic Ruin in a Canadian Coalfield Community
The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out documents the tumultuous struggle of one coal-mining region to stave off economic ruin in the face of changing times and technologies.
Born with a Copper Spoon
A Global History of Copper, 1830–1980
Born with a Copper Spoon tells the fascinating and far-reaching story of one of the world’s most important metals.
Making Muskoka
Tourism, Rural Identity, and Sustainability, 1870–1920
Making Muskoka traces the first decades of Muskoka’s transformation from Indigenous homeland to a part-time playground for tourists and cottagers and uncovers the consequences for those who lived there year-round.
What Nudism Exposes
An Unconventional History of Postwar Canada
What Nudism Exposes offers a convincing new perspective on postwar Canada by revealing how nudist clubs navigated the social and cultural changes of the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s.
From Dismal Swamp to Smiling Farms
Food, Agriculture, and Change in the Holland Marsh
From Dismal Swamp to Smiling Farms reveals how some of the most profitable farmland in Canada has been shaped, and ultimately imperilled, by liberal notions of progress and nature.
Against the Tides
Reshaping Landscape and Community in Canada’s Maritime Marshlands
Against the Tides tells the compelling story of the rehabilitation of the Maritime marshlands, a project that reshaped not only the landscape of the Bay of Fundy region but the communities that depended on it.
The Government of Natural Resources
Science, Territory, and State Power in Quebec, 1867–1939
The Government of Natural Resources is a revealing look at how science can extend state power through territorial and environmental transformations.
Visual Culture at the Banff School of Fine Arts
The first major historical study of the Banff School of Fine Arts, Uplift reveals the foundational role of the school in shaping what is today the globally renowned Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity.
Captain Cook Rediscovered
Voyaging to the Icy Latitudes
This first modern study to focus on James Cook’s polar adventures, Captain Cook Rediscovered introduces an entirely new explorer who is more at home along the edge of the polar ice packs than the Pacific’s sandy beaches.
Fixing Niagara Falls
Environment, Energy, and Engineers at the World’s Most Famous Waterfall
Long considered a natural wonder, the world’s most famous waterfall is anything but. Fixing Niagara Falls reveals the engineering and politics behind the transformation of Niagara Falls.
Geography of British Columbia, Fourth Edition
People and Landscapes in Transition
This extensively revised edition of Geography of British Columbia teaches students how to think like geographers as it takes them on a journey from the origins of the region’s diverse and unique landscapes to its more recent history as a province being reshaped by the forces of globalization.
The Nature of Canada
These captivating reflections on the history of our environment and ourselves will make you think differently not only about Canada’s past but also about our future.
Levelling the Lake
Transboundary Resource Management in the Lake of the Woods Watershed
It’s one thing to live in a watershed. We all do. It’s another to manage one, as Levelling the Lake compellingly demonstrates.
Made Modern
Science and Technology in Canadian History
The first major collection of its kind in thirty years, Made Modern explores the role of science and technology in shaping Canadians’ experience of themselves and their place in the modern world.
Who Controls the Hunt?
First Nations, Treaty Rights, and Wildlife Conservation in Ontario, 1783-1939
Tracing the connections between colonialism and the early conservation movement in Ontario, Who Controls the Hunt? examines the contentious issue of treaty hunting rights and the impact of conservation laws on First Nations.
Montreal, City of Water
An Environmental History
Montreal, City of Water investigates the development of the city over two centuries, tracing the relationship between the city’s inhabitants and the waterways that ring its island and flow beneath it in underground networks.