Showing 1-28 of 28 items.

Autism and the Culture of Therapy

The Politics and Practice of Applied Behaviour Analysis

UBC Press

Autism and the Culture of Therapy investigates the larger systems that regulate applied behaviour therapies, their negotiation and application by practitioners and parents, and how they have redefined what autism means.

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Unmothering Autism

Ethical Disruptions and Affirming Care

UBC Press

Unmothering Autism rethinks autism and mothering to reveal what it means for us to live well together in, and through, difference.

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Sites of Conscience

Place, Memory, and the Project of Deinstitutionalization

UBC Press

Sites of Conscience charts the importance of public engagement with histories, memories, and lived experiences of institutions in forging new directions in social justice with and for disabled people and people experiencing mental distress, in a context where deinstitutionalization has failed to fully recognise, redress, and repair the ongoing impacts of institutions.

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Dispatches from Disabled Country

UBC Press

Dispatches from Disabled Country is a nuanced and unmistakably poetic introduction to the rich landscape of disability activism and culture from one of Canada’s most recognized voices, Catherine Frazee.

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Cripping Intersex

UBC Press

Cripping Intersex explores the political, discursive, and embodied connections between intersex and disability to develop a radically innovative approach to intersex studies and activism.

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Disability Injustice

Confronting Criminalization in Canada

UBC Press

In Disability Injustice, scholars and activists deliver a much-needed and long overdue analysis of disability and criminalization in Canada.

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Able to Lead

Disablement, Radicalism, and the Political Life of E.T. Kingsley

UBC Press

Able to Lead tells the forgotten story of the life of double amputee E.T. Kingsley, a pioneering politician, and labour and justice activist.

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The Aging–Disability Nexus

UBC Press

The Aging–Disability Nexus explores the complex and competing narratives we create about aging and disability, providing fresh perspectives on how these markers interact with each other and with other indicators of power and difference.

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Law and Neurodiversity

Youth with Autism and the Juvenile Justice Systems in Canada and the United States

UBC Press

Through a comparison of juvenile justice systems in Canada and the United States, Law and Neurodiversity examines gaps of accommodation and consideration for youth with autism.

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A World without Martha

A Memoir of Sisters, Disability, and Difference

UBC Press, Purich Books

A World without Martha is an unflinching yet compassionate memoir of how one sister’s institutionalization for intellectual disability in the 1960s affected the other, sending them both on separate but parallel journeys shaped initially by society’s inability to accept difference and later by changing attitudes towards disability, identity, and inclusion.

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Disabling Barriers

Social Movements, Disability History, and the Law

UBC Press

In Disabling Barriers, legal scholars, historians, and disability-rights activists encourage us to rethink our understanding of both the systemic barriers disabled people face and the capacity of disabled people to effect positive societal change.

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Mobilizing Metaphor

Art, Culture, and Disability Activism in Canada

UBC Press

Mobilizing Metaphor illustrates how radical and unconventional forms of activism, including art, are reshaping the vibrant tradition of disability activism in Canada, challenging perceptions of disability and the politics that surround it.

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Unwanted Warriors

Rejected Volunteers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force

UBC Press

This book uncovers the history of Canada’s first casualties of the Great War – men who tried to enlist, were deemed “unfit for service,” and then lived with shame, guilt, and ostracism.

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Disability Politics and Care

The Challenge of Direct Funding

UBC Press

Disability Politics and Care documents what happens when people with disabilities take control of home care services and explores key debates around the notion of “care.”

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Toilet Training and Autism Spectrum Disorder

A Guide for Professionals

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This book looks at toilet training difficulties for children with autism spectrum conditions, and presents practical interventions to help children overcome these problems. Packed with essential information on bowel and bladder function, this book also gives helpful advice for developing and implementing a toilet plan in different settings.

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Social Narratives

A Story Intervention for Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Based on extensive research, this practical book gives you the tools needed to use Social Narratives, a simple intervention for helping children with autism spectrum disorder develop social behaviour. Packed with sample stories, and with step-by-step guidelines for writing, this book will show you how to implement the approach to maximise success.

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Dyslexia and Mental Health

Helping people identify destructive behaviours and find positive ways to cope

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This book presents research and case studies to demonstrate why and how those with dyslexia can adopt adverse coping strategies and defensive mechanisms to deal with the emotional impact of the condition, which can lead to self-harm, depression and even suicide, and how they can best be helped and supported by the professionals who work with them.

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Understanding Dyscalculia and Numeracy Difficulties

A Guide for Parents, Teachers and Other Professionals

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

A complete, accessible guide to understanding dyscalculia and poor numeracy, this book covers number sense and how the brain deals with numbers, assessment, planning intervention, what to teach, how to teach it and how parents can help. Essential for parents, teachers and education professionals working with a child with numerical difficulties.

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Restorative Practice and Special Needs

A Practical Guide to Working Restoratively with Young People

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Restorative Practice (RP) is being used increasingly in different settings, but using RP with those who have Special Needs requires a different approach. This practical guide explains how RP can be adapted for those with additional needs and to see real improvement in behaviour and learning.

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Can I tell you about Epilepsy?

A guide for friends, family and professionals

By Kate Lambert; Illustrated by Scott Hellier
Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This illustrated book is full of useful information and will be an ideal introduction to epilepsy for children from the age of 7.

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Trueman Bradley: Aspie Detective

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Trueman Bradley – Aspie Detective is a fantasy adventure that will capture the imagination of anyone interested in Asperger's Syndrome.

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Chair Yoga

Seated Exercises for Health and Wellbeing

By Edeltraud Rohnfeld; Illustrated by Edeltraud Rohnfeld; Translated by Anne Oppenheimer
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Chair yoga is a revolutionary concept designed to make the numerous benefits of classical yoga available to a wider range of physical abilities.

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A Beginner's Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders

Essential Information for Parents and Professionals

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This concise and straight-talking guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder will ensure parents, carers, teachers and other professionals feel confident, informed and able to cope with the road ahead.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME

Support for Family and Friends

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This accessible introduction to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome offers much-needed information and support to the friends, families, and caregivers of people who have the condition.

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Business for Aspies

42 Best Practices for Using Asperger Syndrome Traits at Work Successfully

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Ashley Stanford addresses all of the issues that can arise once a person with AS secures employment, through the eyes of both employee and employer.

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My Child Has Autism, Now What?

10 Steps to Get You Started

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This concise, no-nonsense book will enable parents to regain control of the situation and take the first practical steps towards a calm and happy life with their newly-diagnosed child.

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Veterans with a Vision

Canada’s War Blinded in Peace and War

UBC Press

Illuminates the challenges faced by Canada’s war-blinded veterans and outlines the history of the Sir Arthur Pearson Association of War Blinded, an advocacy group for all Canadian veterans and blind citizens.

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Critical Disability Theory

Essays in Philosophy, Politics, Policy, and Law

UBC Press

This book argues that we need a new understanding of participatory citizenship that encompasses the disabled, new policies to respond to their needs, and a new vision of their entitlements.

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