Michael Orsini
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
Critical Policy Studies
Edited by Michael Orsini and Miriam Smith
UBC Press
Critical Policy Studies describes how new policy problems such as border screening and global warming have been catapulted onto the agenda in the neo-liberal era.
- Copyright year: 2006
Mobilizing Metaphor
Art, Culture, and Disability Activism in Canada
Edited by Christine Kelly and Michael Orsini
UBC Press
Mobilizing Metaphor illustrates how radical and unconventional forms of activism, including art, are reshaping the vibrant tradition of disability activism in Canada, challenging perceptions of disability and the politics that surround it.
- Copyright year: 2016
Dispatches from Disabled Country
UBC Press
Dispatches from Disabled Country is a nuanced and unmistakably poetic introduction to the rich landscape of disability activism and culture from one of Canada’s most recognized voices, Catherine Frazee.
- Copyright year: 2023
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