Challenging Exile
Japanese Canadians and the Wartime Constitution
Challenging Exile delves into the origins, experience, and aftermath of a shameful moment in Canada’s past: the government’s attempt to exile thousands of Japanese Canadians after the Second World War.
Planting Thistles
Scottish Islander Colonization in Late Victorian Canada
Planting Thistles explores how state-sponsored settlement of Scottish Islanders in Western Canada at the height of Victorian imperialism brought core conceptions of race, class, gender, and modernity itself into question.
Once upon This Land
Archaeology in British Columbia and the Stories It Tells
Once upon This Land is a much-needed overview of archaeology in British Columbia that introduces readers to the fascinating evidence of human activities in this region from the last ice age up to the present day.
The Thin Edge of Innovation
Metro Vancouver’s Evolving Economy
The Thin Edge of Innovation charts the origins, potential, and pitfalls of Metro Vancouver’s entrepreneur-led innovation economy, including the tremendous growth of high-tech, apparel, and consumer-oriented life-style businesses in the city.
Pentecostal Preacher Woman
The Faith and Feminism of Bernice Gerard
Evangelical pastor, talk-show host, politician, musician. Pentecostal Preacher Woman explores the complex life of Bernice Gerard, one of the most influential spiritual figures of twentieth-century British Columbia.
The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out
Fighting Economic Ruin in a Canadian Coalfield Community
The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out documents the tumultuous struggle of one coal-mining region to stave off economic ruin in the face of changing times and technologies.
Signs of the Time
Nłeʔkepmx Resistance through Rock Art
Drawing on a unique blend of Indigenous and Western sources, Signs of the Time explores Nłeʔkepmx rock art making to reveal the historical and cultural meaning beneath its beguiling imagery.
The Notorious Georges
Crime and Community in British Columbia's Northern Interior, 1905–25
The Notorious Georges is an engaging exploration of the alchemy of community identity and reputation in Prince George, BC, once branded Canada’s most-dangerous city.
The Fire Still Burns
Life In and After Residential School
The Fire Still Burns is a tale of survival and redemption through which Squamish Elder Sam George recounts his residential school experience and how it led to a life of addiction, violence, and imprisonment until he found the courage to face his past and begin healing.
Unstable Properties
Aboriginal Title and the Claim of British Columbia
Unstable Properties convincingly argues that the so-called land question in British Columbia cannot be resolved without understanding the fundamentally unstable ideological foundation of land and title arrangements on which the province rests.
Lessons in Legitimacy
Colonialism, Capitalism, and the Rise of State Schooling in British Columbia
Lessons in Legitimacy examines the relationship between settler capitalism, state schooling, and the making of British Columbia.
The Birds of Vancouver Island’s West Coast
A detailed account of the 360 species of birds recorded on the wild west coast of Vancouver Island and its offshore waters.
Religion at the Edge
Nature, Spirituality, and Secularity in the Pacific Northwest
Religion at the Edge shows how the distinctive social and physical landscape of the Pacific Northwest proves fertile ground for an expansive exploration of contemporary spirituality and secularity.
To Share, Not Surrender
Indigenous and Settler Visions of Treaty Making in the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia
To Share, Not Surrender presents multiple views and lived experience of the treaty-making process and its repercussions in the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, and publishes, for the first time, the Vancouver Island Treaties in First Nations languages.