Robert J. Muckle

Showing 1-4 of 4 items.

The First Nations of British Columbia, Third Edition

An Anthropological Overview

UBC Press

The First Nations of British Columbia is a concise and accessible introduction to histories, cultures, and issues of the First Peoples of BC.

  • Copyright year: 2014
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Once upon This Land

Archaeology in British Columbia and the Stories It Tells

UBC Press, Purich Books

Once upon This Land is a much-needed overview of archaeology in British Columbia that introduces readers to the fascinating evidence of human activities in this region from the last ice age up to the present day.

  • Copyright year: 2025
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The First Nations of British Columbia

An Anthropological Survey

UBC Press

A concise and accessible overview of First Nations’ peoples, cultures, and issues in the province.

  • Copyright year: 1998
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First Nations of British Columbia, Second Edition, The

An Anthropological Survey

UBC Press

A concise and accessible overview of First Nations cultures and issues in the province, this book familiarizes readers with the history, diversity, and complexity of First Nations to provide a context for contemporary concerns and initiatives.

  • Copyright year: 2006
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