Showing 1-19 of 19 items.
Out of the Gutters
Obscenity, Censorship, and Transgression in American Comics
Edited by Jorge J. Santos and Patrick Lawrence
University of Texas Press
How comics and graphic novels use obscenity and other taboos to shed light on important issues.
Redrawing the Western
A History of American Comics and the Mythic West
University of Texas Press
A history of American Western genre comics and how they interacted with contemporaneous political and popular culture.
Searching for Feminist Superheroes
Gender, Sexuality, and Race in Marvel Comics
University of Texas Press
How superhero narratives in the margins of the mainstream tell innovative, feminist stories.
The Claremont Run
Subverting Gender in the X-Men
By J. Andrew Deman; Introduction by Jay Edidin
University of Texas Press
A data-driven deep dive into a legendary comics author’s subversion of gender norms within the bestselling comic of its time.
Latin American Comics in the Twenty-First Century
Transgressing the Frame
By James Scorer
University of Texas Press
How twenty-first-century Latin American comics transgress social, political, and cultural frontiers.
Super Bodies
Comic Book Illustration, Artistic Styles, and Narrative Impact
University of Texas Press
An examination of the art in superhero comics and how style influences comic narratives.
Comic Book Women
Characters, Creators, and Culture in the Golden Age
University of Texas Press
A revisionist history of the origins of comic books that reclaims women’s pioneering and pivotal roles as both creators and characters.
Empire of the Superheroes
America’s Comic Book Creators and the Making of a Billion-Dollar Industry
University of Texas Press
A detailed look at the evolution of superhero comics from cheap pulp products to a billion-dollar film and publishing industry, and the artists' battles for their intellectual property and financial freedom.
Sexuality, Fantasy, and the Superhero
Edited by Anna Peppard
University of Texas Press
From Superman and Batman to the X-Men and Young Avengers, Supersex interrogates the relationship between heroism and sexuality, shedding new light on our fantasies of both.
All New, All Different?
A History of Race and the American Superhero
University of Texas Press
An eye-opening exploration of the relationship between racial attitudes and the evolution of the superhero in America, from Superman’s debut in 1938 through the Civil Rights era and contemporary reinventions.
Graphic Memories of the Civil Rights Movement
Reframing History in Comics
By Jorge Santos
University of Texas Press
A study of five graphic novels or memoirs that have reshaped the narrative of civil rights in America—and an examination of the format’s power to allow readers to participate in the memory-making process.
The Art of Pere Joan
Space, Landscape, and Comics Form
University of Texas Press
A close reading of the innovative, distinctive vision of Pere Joan, who has pushed boundaries in Spain's comics scene for more than four decades and stoked a new understanding of the nature of reading comics.
The Film Photonovel
A Cultural History of Forgotten Adaptations
By Jan Baetens
University of Texas Press
The first book devoted to the hybrid genre of the film photonovel, applying a comparative textual media framework to a previously overlooked aspect of the history of film and literary adaptation.
Breaking the Frames
Populism and Prestige in Comics Studies
By Marc Singer
University of Texas Press
Challenging common critical practices and offering new interpretations of canonical texts by Marjane Satrapi, Alan Moore, Kyle Baker, Chris Ware, and others, this volume offers the first major critique of the field of comics studies.
Make Ours Marvel
Media Convergence and a Comics Universe
Edited by Matt Yockey
University of Texas Press
Tracing the rise of the Marvel Comics brand from the creation of the Fantastic Four to the development of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this volume of original essays considers how a comic book publisher became a transmedia empire.
Picturing Childhood
Youth in Transnational Comics
University of Texas Press
Uniting the perspectives of comics studies and childhood studies, this pioneering collection is the first book devoted to representations of childhood in iconic US and international comics from the 1930s to the present.
El Eternauta, Daytripper, and Beyond
Graphic Narrative in Argentina and Brazil
University of Texas Press
The first study in English of Latin American graphic narrative, this book explores the genre’s Argentine and Brazilian traditions, illuminating the different social, political, and historical conditions from which they emerged.
Arresting Development
Comics at the Boundaries of Literature
University of Texas Press
Contrary to the idea that comics have naturally matured into respectability, Arresting Development offers a new understanding of comics’ history that connects the genre’s difficult past to its unstable present and uncertain future.
Graphic Borders
Latino Comic Books Past, Present, and Future
Edited by Frederick Luis Aldama and Christopher González
University of Texas Press
The first volume in a trailblazing series on world comics and graphic nonfiction, this book presents a comprehensive array of historical, formal, and cognitive approaches to Latino comics—an exciting popular culture space that captures the distinctive and
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