Showing 1-20 of 105 items.

Challenging Exile

Japanese Canadians and the Wartime Constitution

UBC Press

Challenging Exile delves into the origins, experience, and aftermath of a shameful moment in Canada’s past: the government’s attempt to exile thousands of Japanese Canadians after the Second World War.

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Research with Refugee Children and Families

Ethical Dilemmas and Methodological Insights

UBC Press
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Planting Thistles

Scottish Islander Colonization in Late Victorian Canada

UBC Press

Planting Thistles explores how state-sponsored settlement of Scottish Islanders in Western Canada at the height of Victorian imperialism brought core conceptions of race, class, gender, and modernity itself into question.

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Challenging Borders

Contingencies and Consequences

Athabasca University Press
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Tender Labour

Migrant Care Work, Filipina/o Young People, and Family Life across Borders

UBC Press

Tender Labour investigates the paid and unpaid labour that young migrants from the Philippines engage in to hold their families together and build a better life.

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Sufism in Canada

Weaving Islamic Practice and Contemporary Spirituality

UBC Press

Sufism in Canada considers how Sufism informs Islam and popular spirituality, opening new avenues of understanding about religiosity and Muslim identities in this country.

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Geographies of the Heart

Stories from Newcomers to Canada

UBC Press, Purich Books

In Geographies of the Heart, eighteen newcomers to Canada share their journeys, reveal the conditions that necessitated them leaving their homes, and challenge assumptions about newcomers’ lives in Canada.

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Refugees Are (Not) Welcome Here

The Paradox of Protection in Canada

UBC Press

Refugees Are (Not) Welcome Here details the paradox of the simultaneous expansion and restriction of access to refugee rights in Canada.

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Forging Diasporic Citizenship

Narratives from German-Born Turkish Ausländer

UBC Press

Forging Diasporic Citizenship is a work of narrative research that explores the nature and implications of “diasporic citizenship” as it is evolving among German-born, Turkish-origin Berliners.

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Screening Out

HIV Testing and the Canadian Immigration Experience

UBC Press

A critical, compassionate, and highly readable narrative-driven analysis, this is the first-ever inquiry into how the Canadian immigration medical program works in practice to screen out people with HIV.

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Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced

Indian and Pakistani Transnational Households in Canada

UBC Press

Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced reveals the impact of discriminatory labour markets, precarious work, and transnational family relationships on Gulf South Asians in Canada.

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Finding Refuge in Canada

Narratives of Dislocation

Athabasca University Press

George Melnyk is professor emeritus of Communication, Media and Film at the University of Calgary. He has written and edited over twenty-five books on Canadian cinema, Alberta literature, the co-operative movement, and other Canadian subjects. As someone who came to Canada as a refugee he is deeply connected to the phenomenon and has published articles on Canada and refugees. This is his first book on the topic. Christina Parker is an assistant professor in Social Development Studies at Renison University College at the University of Waterloo. She specializes in critical ethnographic and mixed methods research in diverse schools and communities and is the author of Peacebuilding, Citizenship, and Identity: Empowering Conflict and Dialogue in Multicultural Classrooms (Sense|Brill, 2016).

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North of El Norte

Illegalized Mexican Migrants in Canada

UBC Press

North of El Norte examines the policies, practices, and barriers that affect the daily lives of Mexican migrants with precarious status in Canada.

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Caroline's Dilemma

A Colonial Inheritance Saga

UBC Press

This extraordinary book skillfully blends diverse historical evidence to tell the harrowing story of Caroline Kearney and her struggles against the paternalistic inheritance laws of the nineteenth century colonial world.

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Refugee Law after 9/11

Sanctuary and Security in Canada and the United States

UBC Press

The first major study to compare changes made to Canadian and US refugee law after and because of 9/11, Refugee Law after 9/11 uncovers crucial connections among refugee law, security relativism, and national self-image.

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King Alpha’s Song in a Strange Land

The Roots and Routes of Canadian Reggae

UBC Press

This insider look at the forces that came together to make Canada’s reggae scene reaffirms the power of music to combat racism and build bridges between communities and cultures.

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Crossing Law’s Border

Canada’s Refugee Resettlement Program

UBC Press

Crossing Law’s Border offers a comprehensive account of Canada’s refugee resettlement program, from the Indochinese crisis of the 1970s to the current era of controversy and flux in refugee and asylum policy.

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Unmooring the Komagata Maru

Charting Colonial Trajectories

UBC Press

Unmooring the Komagata Maru challenges conventional historical accounts to consider the national and transnational colonial dimensions of the Komagata Maru incident.

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Putting Family First

Migration and Integration in Canada

Edited by Harald Bauder
UBC Press

Putting Family First challenges the conventional view of settlement and integration as an individual process driven largely by the labour market, placing the family at the centre of the successful immigrant experience.

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