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Release Date:01 Jan 1984

The Early Greek Poets and Their Times

UBC Press

This book brings a new approach to the study of the early Greeklyric poets. Instead of concentrating on the poetry as literature,Podlecki has chosen to examine the life and works of the leading poetsof the eighth to fifth century B.C. in the context of the military andhistorical events of the period.

Ranging over the extent of the Greek world at this time, the book isa survey of the many poets who lived in widely scattered places, fromAsia Minor in the east to Sicily in the west, who wrote in diffusepoetic idioms, and for varied audiences. Products of differenthistorical and political backgrounds, these poets cannot be appreciatedfully, or, in some cases, even understood without considering themilieu in which they lived. On the other hand, their poetry often castsnew and interesting light on the historical currents of the archaicperiod of Greece.

Bridging the gap between history and literature, this book willgreatly add to the appreciation of the works of these poets and broadenour knowledge of the historical currents and development of thoughtduring this complex period.

Anthony J. Podlecki is a professor of classics at theUniversity of British Columbia.



1. Early Greek Hexameter Poetry: Homer, Hesiod, and the"Homeric Hymns"

2. Archilochus, Callinus, and Mimnermus

3. Alcaeus and Sappho

4. Terpander, Tyrtaeus, and Alcman

5. Solon and Theognis

6. Poetry in the West: Stesichorus, Ibycus, and Xenophanes

7. Anacreon and Simonides

8. Pindar and Bacchylides

9. Conclusion

Further Reading


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