Susan Steinberg
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
University of Alabama Press, Fiction Collective 2
Hydroplane is a story collection filled with the urgency of erotic obsession. Its breathless voices, palpable in their desire, are propelled by monomania, rushing from one preoccupation into another: a garage, a painting class, a basketball game, boys. Their words take on kinetic force, an almost headlong momentum, as though, while reading, one were picking up speed, veering out of control. The past returns. Rumination are continuous. A stranger at a bus stop is indistinguishable from the narrator's deceased grandfather; party guests turn ghoulish, festivities merge with nightmares.
The End of Free Love
University of Alabama Press, Fiction Collective 2
The first collection of stories by a promising young writer.
- Copyright year: 2003
Forms at War
FC2 1999-2009
Edited by Ralph M. Berry
University of Alabama Press, Fiction Collective 2
Forms at War: FC2 1999-2009 collects twenty-three experimental prose works published by Fiction Collective Two during the last decade.
- Copyright year: 2009
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