Supporting Indigenous Children's Development
152 pages, 6 1/4 x 9 1/4
4 b&w illustrations, 9 tables, 1 map
Release Date:01 Jul 2007
Release Date:06 Nov 2006
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Release Date:01 Jul 2007

Supporting Indigenous Children's Development

Community-University Partnerships

UBC Press
Supporting Indigenous Children’s Development challenges and offers an alternative to the imposition of best practices on communities by outside specialists. It tells the story of an unexpected partnership initiated by an Aboriginal tribal council with the University of Victoria’s School of Child and Youth Care. The partnership has produced a new approach to professional education, in which community leaders are co-constructors of the curriculum and implementation proceeded only if both parties are present and engaged. Word of this “generative curriculum” has spread to numerous Aboriginal communities and now over sixty communities have participated in the First Nations Partnerships Program. Jessica Ball and Alan Pence show how this innovative program has strengthened community capacity to design, deliver, and evaluate culturally appropriate programs to support young children’s development.
Supporting Indigenous Children's Development describes a unique approach to curriculum ... that creates community-based, face-to-face learning to meet the needs and interests of the community while advancing post-secondary education credentials. Judith L. Evans, UNICEF Consultant on Early Childhood Care and Development
This book is important as all nations work towards the professionalization of early childhood education, and will be particularly relevant to peoples of the Pacific and Australasia. Elizabeth Pakai, Head of School Social Science and Education Te Kura Matauranga Tu Tangata, Waiariki Institute of Technology, New Zealand
The book’s heart is the stories, told in multiple voices, of seven university-tribal partnerships. It illustrates a mutually respectful community development process drawing on the richness of cultural knowledge rather than simply imposing a university model. A timely contribution to strategies for action worldwide and to educational theory applicable in cross-cultural settings. Elizabeth Jones, Faculty of Human Development, Pacific Oaks College, California
Jessica Ball and Alan Pence are professors in the School of Child and Youth Care at the University of Victoria.



1 Turning the World Upside Down

2 Harnessing the Potential of Partnership

3 Co-Constructing Curriculum from the Inside Out

4 Sitting Backwards at Our Desks

5 Grounding Learning in the Heart of Communities

6 Transforming Knowledge through Trust and Respect

7 Asserting the Power of Not Knowing

8 Supporting Children and Families with Sustained Community Transformations



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