Steve Glassman

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On the Trail of the Maya Explorer

Tracing the Epic Journey of John Lloyd Stephens

University of Alabama Press, Fire Ant Books

Steve Glassman retraces John Lloyd Stephens' 1839 route, visiting the same archaeological sites, towns, markets, and churches and meeting along the way the descendants of those people Stephens described, from mestizo en route to the cornfields to town elders welcoming the Norte Americanos. Glassman's work interlaces discussion of the history, natural environment, and architecture of the region with descriptions of the people who live and work there. Glassman compares his 20th-century experience with Stephens's 19th-century exploration, gazing in awe at the same monumental pyramids, eating similar foods, and avoiding the political clashes that disrupt the governments and economies of the area.

  • Copyright year: 2003
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