Stanley Crawford
Stanley Crawford lives in Dixon, New Mexico.
Showing 1-6 of 6 items.
Chronicle of an Acequia in Northern New Mexico
University of New Mexico Press
This memoir of the author's experience as a mayordomo, or ditch boss, is the first record of the life of an acequia by a community participant.
- Copyright year: 1993
The Canyon
A Novel
University of New Mexico Press
To read this quiet, rich evocation of adolescent watchfulness is to experience what it is like to be fourteen years old, waiting for something to happen, aware of everything but oblivious to as much of it as possible.
- Copyright year: 2015
A Garlic Testament
Seasons on a Small New Mexico Farm
University of New Mexico Press
Meditations on growing garlic and on the farming way of life.
- Copyright year: 1998
A Novel
University of Alabama Press, Fiction Collective 2
In an age of contested values, Stanley Crawford’s wry Seed offers a sardonic exploration of the meaning of “values.” Curmudgeon Bill Starr’s end-of-life decisions illuminate the values that rule his life and his heirs’, as well as the material objects he and they perceive as having value.
- Copyright year: 2015
A Novel
University of Alabama Press, Fiction Collective 2
Intimacy is the story of an unnamed narrator ruminating on suicide. He reflects on the origins and significance of his material possessions, and on the seemingly inconsequential moments in his life, while he prepares to carry out his plans.
- Copyright year: 2016
The River in Winter
New and Selected Essays
University of New Mexico Press
Crawford's thoughtful and witty essays explore his experiences as a farmer, activist, and observer in rural New Mexico. In his third nonfiction book he writes, among other topics, about the river which irrigates his land and the animals and plants which touch his life.
- Copyright year: 2003
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