Robin Hackett

Robin Hackett, associate professor of English and women’s studies at the University of New Hampshire, is the author of Sapphic Primitivism: Productions of Race, Class, and Sexuality in Key Works of Modern Fiction.

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Sapphic Primitivism

Productions of Race, Class, and Sexuality in Key Works of Modern Fiction

Rutgers University Press

In this book, Robin Hackett examines portrayals of race, class, and sexuality in modernist texts by white women to argue for the existence of a literary device that she calls “Sapphic primitivism.” The works vary widely in their form and content and include Olive Schreiner’s proto-modernist exploration of New Womanhood, The Story of an African Farm; Virginia Woolf’s high modernist “play-poem,” The Waves; Sylvia Townsend Warner’s historical novel, Summer Will Show; and Willa Cather’s Southern pastoral, Sapphira and the Slave Girl.

  • Copyright year: 2003
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Affective Materialities

Reorienting the Body in Modernist Literature

University Press of Florida
  • Copyright year: 2019
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