Richard Veit

Richard Veit is professor of anthropology and provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at Monmouth University. Baugher and Veit are coeditors of The Archaeology of Cemeteries and Gravemarkers.

Showing 1-4 of 4 items.

New Jersey

A History of the Garden State

Rutgers University Press

New Jersey: A History of the Garden State is a fresh and comprehensive overview of New Jersey’s history from the prehistoric era to the present. The findings of archaeologists, political, social, and economic historians are brought together to offer a new look at the ways in which the Garden State has changed over time. From its pivotal role in the American Revolution to its modern-day suburbs and cities, this book shows how the small state of New Jersey is often a bellwether for the nation.

  • Copyright year: 2013
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Monuments and Memory

Archaeological Perspectives on Commemoration

University Press of Florida

This volume examines many different public monuments, exploring the cultural factors behind their creation, their messages and evolving meanings, and the role of such markers in conveying the memory of history to future generations.

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The Archaeology of the American Revolution

University Press of Florida

This volume takes a holistic approach to the American Revolutionary War era, drawing on perspectives from archaeology and related disciplines to illuminate the multifaceted nature of the conflict.

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