Showing 1-50 of 79 items.

The Peace Script

Framing Violence in US Anti-War Dissent

University of Alabama Press
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A Rhetoric of Resistance

University of Alabama Press

Investigates the interdisciplinary dimensions of countermemory through a rhetorical lens

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Radical Advocate

Ida B. Wells and the Road to Race and Gender Justice

University of Alabama Press

Pinpoints the persuasive strategies that typified Wells’s efforts to shape broader cultural conversations concerning the causes of racial, social, and gender inequity

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Pleasure and Pain in US Public Culture

University of Alabama Press

Unraveling the intricate dance of pleasure and pain in contemporary American culture

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The Haunted West

Memory and Commemoration at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West

University of Alabama Press

An engrossing exploration of conflicting and complex narratives about the American West and its Native American heritage, violent colonial settlement, and natural history

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Oligarchy in America

Power, Justice, and the Rule of the Few

University of Alabama Press

A fascinating survey of the history of political and economic ideas in the US that have led to an increasingly entrenched ultra-rich class of oligarchs

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The Way to Hell

Machiavelli for Catastrophic Times

University of Alabama Press

An incisive and erudite survey of Machiavelli, the catastrophes of his times and ours, and his counsel for responding to an era of constant crises

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The Way to Hell

Machiavelli for Catastrophic Times

University of Alabama Press

An incisive and erudite survey of Machiavelli, the catastrophes of his times and ours, and his counsel for responding to an era of constant crises

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Fitter, Happier

The Eugenic Strain in Twentieth-Century Cancer Rhetoric

University of Alabama Press

Examines the complexity of public language about cancer, with a particular focus on the historical evolution of US cancer rhetorics during the twentieth century

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The Case for Single Motherhood

Contemporary Maternal Identities and Family Formations

University of Alabama Press

Delves into the rhetorical work of elective single mothers (ESMs) in the late twentieth- and early twenty-first centuries as they sought—and continue to seek—to legitimize their maternal identities and family formations

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Dreamer Nation

Immigration, Activism, and Neoliberalism

University of Alabama Press

Illustrates how the Dreamer community was created rhetorically—in the discourse, messages, actions, and visual representations of undocumented youth

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Tense Times

Rhetoric, Syntax, and Politics in US Crisis Culture

University of Alabama Press

How the syntax used in US political discourse creates the very crises it describes

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Soccer's Neoliberal Pitch

The Sport's Power, Profit, and Discursive Politics

University of Alabama Press

A powerful cultural critique of soccer’s public rhetoric

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Soccer's Neoliberal Pitch

The Sport’s Power, Profit, and Discursive Politics

University of Alabama Press

A powerful cultural critique of soccer’s public rhetoric

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Geoengineering, Persuasion, and the Climate Crisis

A Geologic Rhetoric

University of Alabama Press

A rhetorical exploration of an underexamined side of climate change—the ongoing research into and development of geoengineering strategies

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The Practice of Rhetoric

Poetics, Performance, Philosophy

University of Alabama Press

Essays that show what a broad conception of rhetoric means and does in relation to practice

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The Rhetoric of Fascism

Edited by Nathan Crick
University of Alabama Press

Highlights the persuasive devices most common to fascist appeals

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Faithful Deliberation

Rhetorical Invention, Evangelicalism, and #MeToo Reckonings

University of Alabama Press

Investigates the rhetorical practices used by contemporary evangelical Christian women to confront theological and cultural issues that stymie deliberation within their communities

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Reframing Rhetorical History

Cases, Theories, and Methodologies

University of Alabama Press

A collection of essays providing insights into new directions in rhetorical history

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Climate Politics on the Border

Environmental Justice Rhetorics

University of Alabama Press

Explores the ways climate change and extreme weather are negotiated politically in a border community

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I the People

The Rhetoric of Conservative Populism in the United States

University of Alabama Press

A rhetorical examination of the rise of populist conservatism

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Suburban Dreams

Imagining and Building the Good Life

University of Alabama Press

Explores how the suburban imaginary, composed of the built environment and imaginative texts, functions as a resource for living out the “good life”

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Heritage and Hate

Old South Rhetoric at Southern Universities

University of Alabama Press

How southern universities continue to wrestle with the words and symbols that embody and perpetuate Old South traditions

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Laying Claim

African American Cultural Memory and Southern Identity

University of Alabama Press

Explores the practices and cultural institutions that define and sustain African American “southernness,” demonstrating that southern identity is more expansive than traditional narratives that center on white culture

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Decoding the Digital Church

Evangelical Storytelling and the Election of Donald J. Trump

University of Alabama Press

A nuanced look at the rhetorical narratives used by conservative Republicans and evangelicals to make both personal and political choices

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Interpreting Sacred Ground

The Rhetoric of National Civil War Parks and Battlefields

University of Alabama Press

Interpreting Sacred Ground is a rhetorical analysis of Civil War battlefields and parks, and the ways various commemorative traditions—and their ideologies of race, reconciliation, emancipation, and masculinity—compete for dominance.

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Feminist Connections

Rhetoric and Activism across Time, Space, and Place

University of Alabama Press

Highlights feminist rhetorical practices that disrupt and surpass boundaries of time and space

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Architects of Memory

Information and Rhetoric in a Networked Archival Age

University of Alabama Press

Probes the development of information management after World War II and its consequences for public memory and human agency

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Food Rhetorics and Social Production

Edited by Donovan Conley and Justin Eckstein; Afterword by Greg Dickinson
University of Alabama Press

The rhetoric of contemporary food production and consumption with a focus on social boundaries

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Sex Panic Rhetorics, Queer Interventions

University of Alabama Press

Analyzes the rhetoric of contemporary sex panics to expose how homophobia, heterosexism, and transphobia define public, political, and scholarly preoccupations with sexuality and gender

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Lives, Letters, and Quilts

Women and Everyday Rhetorics of Resistance

University of Alabama Press

How writers, activists, and artists without power resist dominant social, cultural, and political structures through the deployment of unconventional means and materials

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Rhetorical Machines

Writing, Code, and Computational Ethics

Edited by John Jones and Lavinia Hirsu; Introduction by John Jones and Lavinia Hirsu
University of Alabama Press

A landmark volume that explores the interconnected nature of technologies and rhetorical practice

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Writing as Punishment in Schools, Courts, and Everyday Life

University of Alabama Press

A probing and prescient consideration of writing as an instrument of punishment

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The Mark of Criminality

Rhetoric, Race, and Gangsta Rap in the War-on-Crime Era

University of Alabama Press

Illustrates the ways that the “war on crime” became conjoined—aesthetically, politically, and rhetorically—with the emergence of gangsta rap as a lucrative and deeply controversial subgenre of hip-hop

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Citizen Science in the Digital Age

Rhetoric, Science, and Public Engagement

University of Alabama Press

A discussion of the benefits and pitfalls of citizen science—scientific undertakings that make use of public participation and crowd-sourced data collection

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Friendship Fictions

The Rhetoric of Citizenship in the Liberal Imaginary

University of Alabama Press

Friendship serves as a metaphor for citizenship and mirrors the individual’s participation in civic life. Friendship Fictions unravels key implications of this metaphor and demonstrates how it can transform liberal culture into a more just and democratic way of life.

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Desiring the Bomb

Communication, Psychoanalysis, and the Atomic Age

University of Alabama Press

A timely interdisciplinary study that applies psychoanalysis and the rhetorical tradition of the sublime to examine the cultural aftermath of the Atomic Age

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Field Rhetoric

Ethnography, Ecology, and Engagement in the Places of Persuasion

University of Alabama Press

A survey of the innovative scholarship emerging at the intersections of rhetoric and fieldwork

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Lacan in Public

Psychoanalysis and the Science of Rhetoric

University of Alabama Press

Lacan in Public argues that Lacan’s contributions to the theory of rhetoric are substantial and revolutionary and that rhetoric is, in fact, the central concern of Lacan’s entire body of work.

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Ancient Rhetorics and Digital Networks

University of Alabama Press

An examination of two seemingly incongruous areas of study: ancient rhetoric and digitally networked communication

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Rhetoric, Through Everyday Things

Edited by Scot Barnett and Casey Boyle; Introduction by Scot Barnett and Casey Boyle
University of Alabama Press

Rhetoric, Through Everyday Things is the first book-length collection of essays that explore the vibrant materiality of everyday objects in rhetorical theory, practice, and writing. It examines how things such as food, bicycles, and typewriters can influence history and sociality.

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What Democracy Looks Like

The Rhetoric of Social Movements and Counterpublics

University of Alabama Press

A compelling and timely collection that combines two distinct but related theories in rhetoric and communication studies

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The Politics of the Superficial

Visual Rhetoric and the Protocol of Display

University of Alabama Press

The Politics of the Superficial argues that the increasing volume of visually communicative surfaces in public life contributes to a very particular form of public imagination and political activity.

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Democracy's Lot

Rhetoric, Publics, and the Places of Invention

University of Alabama Press

Traces the communication strategies of various constituencies in a Chicago neighborhood, offering insights into the challenges that beset diverse urban populations and demonstrating persuasively rhetoric’s power to illuminate and resolve charged conflicts

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The Motherhood Business

Consumption, Communication, and Privilege

University of Alabama Press

The essays in The Motherhood Business examine how consumer culture both constrains and empowers contemporary motherhood. The collection demonstrates that the logic of consumerism and entrepreneurship has redefined both the experience of mothering and the marketplace.

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The Everest Effect

Nature, Culture, Ideology

University of Alabama Press

The Everest Effect is an accessibly written cultural history of how nature, technology, and culture have worked together to turn Mount Everest into a powerful and ubiquitous physical measure of Western values.

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Banning Queer Blood

Rhetorics of Citizenship, Contagion, and Resistance

University of Alabama Press

Frames blood donation as a performance of civic identity closely linked to the meaning of citizenship

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Inside the Teaching Machine

Rhetoric and the Globalization of the U.S. Public Research University

University of Alabama Press

Inside the Teaching Machine argues that the U.S. public research university has always been a vital component of the capitalist political economy. Advocates of higher education have long contended that universities should operate above the crude material negotiations of economics and politics. Such arguments often ignore the historical reality that the American university system emerged through, and in service to, a capitalist political economy.

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Rhetorical Exposures

Confrontation and Contradiction in US Social Documentary Photography

University of Alabama Press

In Rhetorical Exposures, Christopher Carter explores social documentary photography from the nineteenth century to the present in order to illuminate the political dimensions and consequences of photographs taken and selected to highlight social injustice.

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