Showing 2,401-2,440 of 25,551 items.

Race in the Crucible of War

African American Servicemen and the War in Vietnam

University of Massachusetts Press
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Into the Jungle!

A Boy's Comic Strip History of World War II

University Press of Mississippi

An exploration of the experiences of war through the comics of an American youth

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Conversations with Terrence McNally

University Press of Mississippi

Interviews with the Tony Award-winning librettist of Kiss of the Spider Woman and Ragtime and collaborator on the opera Dead Man Walking

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Carnival in Alabama

Marked Bodies and Invented Traditions in Mobile

University Press of Mississippi

A lively and exciting analysis of one of the United States’ oldest Mardi Gras celebrations

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Boy and Girl Tramps of America

By Thomas Minehan; Introduction by Susan Honeyman
University Press of Mississippi

A thorough and honest picture of Depression-era young people forced to ride the rails

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Asian Political Cartoons

University Press of Mississippi

A comprehensive and heavily illustrated exploration of Asian political cartooning

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Staging America

The Artistic Legacy of the Provincetown Players

University of Alabama Press

A comprehensive history of the Provincetown Players arguing for its role as the birthplace of modern American theatre

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Tide Lines

A Photographic Record of Louisiana’s Disappearing Coast

By Ben Depp; Introduction by Monique Verdin
University Press of Mississippi

Stunning aerial photos that reveal Louisiana’s vanishing landscape

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Western Water A to Z

The History, Nature, and Culture of a Vanishing Resource

University Press of Colorado

Western Water A to Z is the first ever field guide to Western water.

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Pilgrimage to Broken Mountain

Nahua Sacred Journeys in Mexico's Huasteca Veracruzana

University Press of Colorado

An ethnographic study based on decades of field research, Pilgrimage to Broken Mountain explores five sacred journeys to the peaks of venerated mountains undertaken by Nahua people living in northern Veracruz, Mexico.

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Your Body is Awesome (2nd edition)

Body Respect for Children

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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The Pocket Guide to Neurodiversity

By Daniel Aherne; Illustrated by Tim Stringer
Jessica Kingsley Publishers

A simple, accessible guide to neurodiversity, unpacking the four main diagnoses of autism, ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia. The book also explains some common co-occurring conditions, strengths and difficulties, and concepts such as spiky profiles, executive functioning and working memory.

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Natural Fabrics and the Future of Clothing

Island Press

For conscious consumers, buying clothes has never been more complicated. Even as fashion brands tout their sustainability, the industry is plagued by pollution, waste, and poor working conditions. If our clothes reflect our values, is it possible to be truly well-dressed?

Sustainable fashion journalist Lucianne Tonti answers with a resounding yes. Beautiful clothes made from natural fabrics including cotton, wool, flax, and cashmere can support rural communities and regenerate landscapes. They can also reduce waste—but only if we invest in garments that stand the test of time rather than chasing fast fashion trends.

Sundressed is an exploration of a revolution taking place in fashion. And it is a love letter to clothing that embodies beauty and value, from farm to closet.

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I Will Die On This Hill

Autistic Adults, Autism Parents, and the Children Who Deserve a Better World

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This book bridges the divide between #ActuallyAutistic activists and Autism Parents in the online community. Written by an author team with experience on both sides of the coin, Meghan Ashburn and Jules Edwards reflect on how they have resolved their differences to become firm friends, sharing insights and lessons learned along the way.

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Bisexual Men Exist

A Handbook for Bisexual, Pansexual and M-Spec Men

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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Unseen Art

Making, Vision, and Power in Ancient Mesoamerica

University of Texas Press

An examination of how ancient Mesoamerican sculpture was experienced by its original audiences.

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The Rural State

Making Comunidades, Campesinos, and Conflict in Peru's Central Sierra

University of Texas Press

A study of the intersection of rural populations, state formation, and the origins of political conflict in Peru.

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The Failure of Our Fathers

Family, Gender, and Power in Confederate Alabama

University of Alabama Press

An in-depth study of non-elite white families in Alabama—from the state’s creation through the end of the Civil War

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Palestinian Rituals of Identity

The Prophet Moses Festival in Jerusalem, 1850-1948

University of Texas Press

An innovative approach to modern Palestinian history as viewed through a study of the Prophet Moses festival from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century.

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Capoeira Connections

A Memoir in Motion

University of Florida Press
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Exploring Desert Stone

John N. Macomb's 1859 Expedition to the Canyonlands of the Colorado

Utah State University Press
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The Life of Daniel H. Wells

Utah State University Press

Defender is the first and only scholarly biography of Daniel H. Wells, an important yet historically neglected leader among the nineteenth-century Mormons.

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To Defend This Sunrise

Black Women’s Activism and the Authoritarian Turn in Nicaragua

Rutgers University Press

To Defend this Sunrise: Black Women’s Activism and the Geography of Race in Nicaragua examines how black women activists on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua have resisted historical and contemporary patterns of racialized state violence, economic exclusion, territorial dispossession, and political repression from the 19th century to the present.

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To Defend This Sunrise

Black Women's Activism and the Authoritarian Turn in Nicaragua

Rutgers University Press

To Defend this Sunrise: Black Women’s Activism and the Geography of Race in Nicaragua examines how black women activists on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua have resisted historical and contemporary patterns of racialized state violence, economic exclusion, territorial dispossession, and political repression from the 19th century to the present.

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Thomas Holcroft’s Revolutionary Drama

Reception and Afterlives

Bucknell University Press

Thomas Holcroft’s Revolutionary Drama reintroduces Holcroft as a central figure in the 1790s and beyond. His life is examined alongside his plays, memoir, diary, and personal correspondence, along with the critical and popular response to his radical drama, showing how theater functions in times of political repression. Holcroft’s robust afterlife is also discussed, especially his play The Road to Ruin, revived worldwide throughout the nineteenth century.

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The Aesthetics of Kinship

Form and Family in the Long Eighteenth Century

Bucknell University Press

The Aesthetics of Kinship interrupts discourses about the emergence of the nuclear family in the eighteenth century. By focusing on kinship constellations in literature of the period, this book complicates assumptions about the linear development of modern social, political, and aesthetic forms and presents a more heterogeneous view of the eighteenth-century literary social world.

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Reversing the Gaze

What If the Other Were You?

Rutgers University Press

Tired of being scrutinized, criticized, and fetishized for her black skin, Cameroon-born scholar Geneviève Makaping turns the tables on Italy’s white majority, regarding them through the same unsparing gaze to which minorities are subjected.Reversing the Gaze offers a unique perspective on otherness and the work we must do to create a truly inclusive society. 

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Perfect Copies

Reproduction and the Contemporary Comic

Rutgers University Press

Perfect Copies examines comics as a literary art form that is explicitly made for reproduction. What does mechanical reproduction have to do with ideas of family and biological reproduction? Five chapters closely examine the connections between two types of reproduction through various works by five exciting contemporary comics artists.

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My Language Is a Jealous Lover

Rutgers University Press

My Language Is a Jealous Lover bears witness to the frustrations, soul-searching, pain, and joys of embracing another tongue. Adrián N. Bravi weaves together his own experiences as an Argentinian-Italian with the stories of authors who lived and wrote between multiple languages, including Samuel Beckett, Vladimir Nabokov, Ágota Kristóf, and Joseph Brodsky.

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Mayaya Rising

Black Female Icons in Latin American and Caribbean Literature and Culture

Bucknell University Press

This work of restorative scholarship centers and honors Afro-Latin American heroines present in the work of Cuban, Dominican, Columbian, and Nicaraguan women writers, and the reception of their work by literary critics. Three literary case studies explore the archetypal regional figures of Teodora and Micaela Ginés, Miss Lizzie, and the palenqueras.

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In Praise of Disobedience

Clare of Assisi, A Novel

By Dacia Maraini; Introduction by Rudolph Bell; Translated by Jane Tylus
Rutgers University Press

An author receives a mysterious e-mail begging her to tell the story of Clare of Assisi, the thirteenth-century Italian saint. As she becomes captivated by this subversive figure, the author tells the inspirational story of Saint Claire, a visionary who liberated herself from the chains of materialism and patriarchy. 

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Gray Love

Stories About Dating and New Relationships After 60

Rutgers University Press

Gray Love tells stories about the most common of themes: seeking and sometimes finding love. Forty-five men and women, 60 and 94, from diverse backgrounds write about dating, building a relationship or fashioning a life alone. The longing for connection in old age is palpable, with more senior singles than ever searching online and elsewhere.

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Global Child

Children and Families Affected by War, Displacement, and Migration

Rutgers University Press

Global Child highlights the unique features of participatory, arts-based, and socio-ecological approaches to studying war-affected children and families, demonstrating the collective strength as well as the limitations and the ethical implications of such research. Building on work across the Global South and the Global North, this book aims to deepen an understanding of this tri-pillared approach, and the potential for this methodology to contribute to improved practices in working with war-affected children and their families.

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British Literature and Technology, 1600-1830

Bucknell University Press

British Literature and Technology, 1600-1830 examines the relationship between literature and technology in two directions: not only the impact of technology on Enlightenment British literature, but also the impact of literature on conceptions of, attitudes toward, and implementations of technology in the period.

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British Literature and Technology, 1600-1830

Bucknell University Press

British Literature and Technology, 1600-1830 examines the relationship between literature and technology in two directions: not only the impact of technology on Enlightenment British literature, but also the impact of literature on conceptions of, attitudes toward, and implementations of technology in the period.

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A World of Many

Ontology and Child Development among the Maya of Southern Mexico

Rutgers University Press

A World of Many explores the world-making efforts of Tzotzil Maya children from two different localities within the municipality of Chenalhó, Chiapas. It shows that as they create their worlds, children create themselves as distinct human beings, being differently in their world.

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The Untranslatable Image

A Mestizo History of the Arts in New Spain, 1500–1600

University of Texas Press

Moving beyond the dominant model of syncretism, this extensively illustrated volume proposes a completely different approach to the field known as Latin American “colonial art,” positioning it as a constitutive part of Renaissance and early modern art his

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Reading the Illegible

Indigenous Writing and the Limits of Colonial Hegemony in the Andes

The University of Arizona Press

Reading the Illegible weaves together the stories of the peoples, places, objects, and media that surrounded the creation of the anonymous Huarochirí Manuscript (c. 1598–1608) to demonstrate how Andean people endowed the European technology of writing with a new social role in the context of a multimedia society.

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I Saw Her in My Dreams

Ctr for Middle Eastern Studies UT-Austin

A powerful novel about interpersonal and systemic violence, examined through the lens of a relationship between an anxious middle-class Omani artist and the Ethiopian domestic worker she hires.

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