Showing 2,721-2,740 of 2,901 items.
Hebrew and Hellene in Victorian England
Newman, Arnold, and Pater
University of Texas Press
This book explores the intellectual and personal relations among John Henry Newman, Matthew Arnold, and Walter Pater, three figures important in the development of nineteenth-century English thought and culture.
Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volumes 7 and 8
By Robert Wauchope; Edited by Evon Z. Vogt
University of Texas Press
These volumes contain forty-three articles, all written by authorities in their field, on the ethnology of the Maya region, the southern Mexican highlands and adjacent regions, the central Mexican highlands, western Mexico, and northwest Mexico.
Growth, Equality, and the Mexican Experience
University of Texas Press
This book examines the relationship between economic development and equality in twentieth century Mexico.
Geology and Politics in Frontier Texas, 1845–1909
University of Texas Press
The relation of politics to geological exploration during the first half-century of Texas statehood.
By Ramón Díaz Sánchez; Translated by John Upton
University of Texas Press
This richly orchestrated novel, which won a national literary prize in the author's native land, Venezuela, also earned international recognition when the William Faulkner Foundation gave it an award as the most notable novel published in Ibero America between 1945 and 1962.
Barbarous Mexico
By John Kenneth Turner; Introduction by Sinclair Snow
University of Texas Press
John Kenneth Turner, a crusading California newspaperman, presents the causes of the Mexican Revolution in Barbarous Mexico, his exposé of the Díaz regime.
Australian Adventure
Letters from an Ambassador's Wife
By Anne Clark
University of Texas Press
These letters, written while Anne Clark's husband was the United States ambassador to Australia from 1965 to 1968, reveal the isolations and involvements as well as the opportunities and the pleasures of embassy life.
a dirty hand
The Literary Notebooks of Winfield Townley Scott
By Winfield Townley Scott; Introduction by Merle Armitage
University of Texas Press
These perceptive notes, some tart, some gentle, some boisterous, some wistful, give us a remarkable insight into the workings of an American poet's creative mind.
The Western Hemisphere
Its Influence on United States Policies to the End of World War II
University of Texas Press
In this book, the author traces the rise of awareness of the essential unity of the Western Hemisphere in international affairs.
The Port of Houston
A History
University of Texas Press
The story of the growth of an unlikely inland port situated at a "tent city" that many Texans thought would die young.
The Pantarch
A Biography of Stephen Pearl Andrews
University of Texas Press
The biography of Stephen Pearl Andrews (1812–1886), American reformer, civil rights proponent, pioneer in sociology, advocate of reformed spelling, lawyer, and eccentric philosopher.
The Norther
By Emilio Carballido; Translated by Margaret Sayers Peden
University of Texas Press
A novel about the course of a relationship between a widow and a young man.
The Measurement of Modernism
A Study of Values in Brazil and Mexico
University of Texas Press
The results of an empirical investigation designed to produce instruments to measure personal values that have been central variables in the theory of modernization of societies, using Brazil and Mexico as examples.
The Marlin Compound
Letters of a Singular Family
University of Texas Press
Written over a hundred-year period, the letters of Zenas Bartlett and his family and friends capture the vitality that marked the expansion and development of Texas during the nineteenth century.
The LS Brand
The Story of a Texas Panhandle Ranch
By Dulcie Sullivan; Introduction by Loula Grace Erdman
University of Texas Press
This book is the story of W. M. D. Lee and Lucien B. Scott's LS Ranch, from the tempestuous years of the open range to the era of "bob wire."
The Lean Lands
University of Texas Press
A novel about the impact of modern technology and ideas on a few isolated, tradition-bound hamlets in the aftermath of the Mexican Revolution of 1910.
The Horses of the Sahara
By Eugène Daumas; Translated by Sheila M. Ohlendorf
University of Texas Press
The first European-authored study of Arabian horses.
San Juan Bautista
Gateway to Spanish Texas
University of Texas Press
A fascinating chronicle of the many religious, military, colonial, and commerical expeditions that passed through San Juan and a valuable addition to knowledge of the Spanish borderlands.
Roman Military Law
By C. E. Brand
University of Texas Press
In view of the importance of both the legal and military aspects of the Roman Empire, an account of their combination in a system of disciplinary control for the Roman armies is of considerable significance to historians in both fields; in this book,C. E. Brand describes this system of control.
Morphology of the Folktale
Second Edition
University of Texas Press
The classic work on forms of the folktale.
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