Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volumes 7 and 8
992 pages, 7 x 10
Release Date:01 Jan 1969
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Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volumes 7 and 8


University of Texas Press

Ethnology comprises the seventh and eighth volumes in the Handbook of Middle American Indians, published in cooperation with the Middle American Research Institute of Tulane University under the general editorship of Robert Wauchope (1909–1979). The editor of the Ethnology volumes is Evon Z. Vogt (1918–2004), Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Social Relations, Harvard University.

These two books contain forty-three articles, all written by authorities in their field, on the ethnology of the Maya region, the southern Mexican highlands and adjacent regions, the central Mexican highlands, western Mexico, and northwest Mexico. Among the topics described for each group of Indians are the history of ethnological investigations, cultural and linguistic distributions, major postcontact events, population, subsistence systems and food patterns, settlement patterns, technology, economy, social organization, religion and world view, aesthetic and recreational patterns, life cycle and personality development, and annual cycle of life.

The volumes are illustrated with photographs and drawings of contemporary and early historical scenes of native Indian life in Mexico and Central America.

The Handbook of Middle American Indians was assembled and edited at the Middle American Research Institute of Tulane University with the assistance of grants from the National Science Foundation and under the sponsorship of the National Research Council Committee on Latin American Anthropology.

Robert Wauchope (1909–1979) was the director of the Middle American Research Institute at Tulane University.
  • Volume 7
    • 1. Introduction (Evon Z. Vogt)
    • Section I: The Maya
      • 2. The Maya: Introduction (Evon Z. Vogt)
      • 3. Guatemalan Highlands (Manning Nash)
      • 4. The Maya of Northwestern Guatemala (Charles Wagley)
      • 5. The Maya of the Midwestern Highlands (Sol Tax and Robert Hinshaw)
      • 6. Eastern Guatemalan Highlands: The Pokomames and Chorti (Ruben E. Reina)
      • 7. Chiapas Highlands (Evon Z. Vogt)
      • 8. The Tzotzil (Robert M. Laughlin)
      • 9. The Tzeltal (Alfonso Villa Rojas)
      • 10. The Tojolabal (Roberta Montagu)
      • 11. Maya Lowlands: The Chontal, Chol, and Kekchi (Alfonso Villa Rojas)
      • 12. The Maya of Yucatan (Alfonso Villa Rojas)
      • 13. The Lacandon (Gertrude Duby and Frans Blom)
      • 14. The Huastec (Robert M. Laughlin)
    • Section II: Southern Mexican Highlands and Adjacent Coastal Regions
      • 15. Southern Mexican Highlands and Adjacent Coastal Regions: Introduction (Ralph L. Reals)
      • 16. The Zapotec of Oaxaca (Laura Nader)
      • 17. The Chatino (Gabriel DeCicco)
      • 18. The Mixtec (Robert Ravicz and A. Kimball Romney)
      • 19. The Trique of Oaxaca (Laura Nader)
      • 20. The Amuzgo (Robert Ravicz and A. Kimball Romney)
      • 21. The Cuicatec (Roberto J. Weitlaner)
      • 22. The Mixe, Zoque, and Popoluca (George M. Foster)
      • 23. The Huave (A. Richard Diebold, Jr.)
      • 24. The Popoloca (Walter A. Hoppe, Andrés Medina, and Roberto J. Weitlaner)
      • 25. The Ichcatec (Walter A. Hoppe and Roberto J. Weitlaner)
      • 26. The Chocho (Walter A. Hoppe and Roberto J. Weitlaner)
      • 27. The Mazatec (Roberto J. Weitlaner and Walter A. Hoppe)
      • 28. The Chinantec (Roberto J. Weitlaner and Howard F. Cline)
      • 29. The Tequistlatec and Tlapanec (D. L. Olmsted)
      • 30. The Cuitlatec (Susana Drucker, Roberto Escalante, and Roberto J. Weitlaner)
  • Volume 8
    • Section III: Central Mexican Highlands
      • 31. Central Mexican Highlands: Introduction (Pedro Carrasco)
      • 32. The Nahua (William Madsen)
      • 33. The Totonac (H. R. Harvey and Isabel Kelly)
      • 34. The Otomi (Leonardo Manrique C.)
    • Section IV: Western Mexico
      • 35. The Tarascans (Ralph L. Beals)
    • Section V: Northwest Mexico
      • 36. Northwest Mexico: Introduction (Edward H. Spicer)
      • 37. The Huichol and Cora (Joseph E. Grimes and Thomas B. Hinton)
      • 38. The Southern Tepehuan and Tepecano (Carroll L. Riley)
      • 39. The Northern Tepehuan (Elman R. Service)
      • 40. The Yaqui and Mayo (Edward H. Spicer)
      • 41. The Tarahumara (Jacob Fried)
      • 42. Contemporary Ethnography of Baja California, Mexico (Roger C. Owen)
      • 43. Remnant Tribes of Sonora: Opata, Pima, Papago, and Seri (Thomas B. Hinton)
  • References
  • Index
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