The LS Brand
194 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Jan 1968
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The LS Brand

The Story of a Texas Panhandle Ranch

University of Texas Press

In the spring of 1881, W. M. D. Lee and Lucien B. Scott, wealthy businessmen of Leavenworth, Kansas, purchased land in the upper Texas Panhandle to establish the Lee-Scott Cattle Company. Their range sprawled across four Texas counties and extended into eastern New Mexico. About six months later, fifty thousand head of mixed cattle, branded LS, grazed those thousands of acres of free grass.

This book is the story of Lee and Scott’s LS Ranch from the tempestuous years of the open range to the era of “bob wire.” It is also the story of the pioneer men and women whose efforts developed the LS into a cattle empire: W. M. D. and Lena Lee, Lucien and Julia Scott, “Mister Mac” and “Miss Annie” McAllister, and Charles and Pauline Whitman.

Here are accounts of chuck wagons and wagon bosses; prairie fires, blizzards, and bog holes; ranch management problems and cowboys on strike; lobo wolves and romance; wild sprees in Tascosa and its “Hogtown” sector; LS cowboys fighting against a gang of organized rustlers in a feud that ended in tragedy; and those same cowboys on the long trails to Dodge City and Montana.

Drawing upon stories told to her by men and women who were with the LS during the 1880’s and later years, Dulcie Sullivan presents her narrative in a clear, straightforward, but sympathetic manner that gives the reader a vivid sense of how life was really lived there in those times. Especially telling is her occasional use of an almost poetic incident: the steers bedding down around a campfire to listen to the chuck-wagon cook play his fiddle, or the suit of Spanish armor found in a spring, or the hail-battered trees attempting to renew themselves, despite their grotesque shapes.

Dulcie Sullivan attended St. Mary’s Academy in the Texas Panhandle city of Amarillo and received her RN from St. Anthony School of Nursing there. She became interested in the LS Ranch while listening to stories told by men and women who were with the ranc
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • 1. W. M. D. Lee
  • 2. J. E. McAllister
  • 3. Lucien B. Scott and the LS
  • 4. Cattle Branding
  • 5. Charles N. Whitman
  • 6. Tascosa and Boot Hill
  • 7. Lawsuits and a Cowboy Strike
  • 8. Chuck Wagons and Roundups
  • 9. A Ranch in Montana and Rustlers in Texas
  • 10. A Prairie Fire, a Land Swap, and a Wedding
  • 11. Bullets for Brophy
  • 12. Bog Riders End a Feud
  • 13. Work and Play
  • 14. Lee and the Fort Worth and Denver
  • 15. Cattle Loss
  • 16. Lee Leaves the LS
  • 17. The Whitman Era
  • 18. Trail’s End
  • Index
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