Showing 401-450 of 2,686 items.

Between Brown and Black

Anti-Racist Activism in Brazil

Rutgers University Press

Afro-Brazilians are presented with a whole range of identity choices, from how to classify oneself to whether one votes for political candidates based on shared racial experiences. Between Black and Brown argues that Afro-Brazilian activists’ continued exploration of blackness confronts anti-blackness while complicating understandings of what it means to be black. This book raises complex questions about current black struggles in Brazil and beyond, including the black movements’ political initiatives and antiracist agenda.

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Activist Media

Documenting Movements and Networked Solidarity

Rutgers University Press

Drawing from his experiences as a documentary filmmaker with Black Lives Matter 5280 and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 105 in Denver, Colorado, Gino Canella details how collaborative media projects can help activists mobilize supporters, amplify their campaigns for social justice, and foster solidarity among grassroots organizers.

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The Cancer Within

Reproduction, Cultural Transformation, and Health Care in Romania

Rutgers University Press

The Cancer Within examines cervical cancer in Romania as a point of entry into an anthropological reflection on contemporary health care. Fashioned by patriarchal relations, lived religion, and the historical trauma of pronatalism, Romanian women’s responses to reproductive medicine and cervical cancer prevention are complicated by neoliberal reforms to medical care.

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Stories That Bind

Political Economy and Culture in New India

Rutgers University Press

The book studies stories about India told through film, advertising, journalism, and popular non-fiction along with the stories narrated by political and corporate leaders to argue that Hindu nationalism and neoliberalism are conjoined in popular culture and that consent for this political economic project is crucially won in the domain of popular culture.

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Single Lives

Modern Women in Literature, Culture, and Film

Edited by Katherine Fama and Jorie Lagerwey; Afterword by Benjamin Kahan
Rutgers University Press

Inspired by the current public fascination with single women, Single Lives traces the relationship between modern and contemporary representations of single women. The original essays collected here analyze a broad range of texts that examine the ways films, cookbooks, archives, popular literature, and other British and American texts express norms, ideals, and challenges for single women and their relationship to dominant ideals of marriage and the family. This volume looks backwards to constellate existing scholarship, constituent fields, and unrecognized single voices and forward to consider new methods for interdisciplinary singles studies.

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New Deal Radio

The Educational Radio Project

Rutgers University Press

New Deal Radio examines the federal government's involvement in broadcasting during the New Deal period, looking at the U.S. Office of Education's Educational Radio Project. The book argues that this distinctive government commercial partnership amounted to a critical intervention in US broadcasting and an important chapter in the evolution of public radio in America.


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Janelle Monáe's Queer Afrofuturism

Defying Every Label

Rutgers University Press

This study of singer, actress, activist, and queer icon Janelle Monáe considers her as an intersectional figure who is actively reshaping discourses around race, gender, sexuality, and capitalism. Janelle Monáe’s Queer Afrofuturism is an exciting introduction to an audacious innovator whose work offers us fresh ways to talk about identity, desire, and power.

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High-Risk Feminism in Colombia

Women's Mobilization in Violent Contexts

Rutgers University Press

High-Risk Feminism in Colombia documents the experiences of four grassroots women’s organizations that united to demand gender justice during and in the aftermath of Colombia’s armed conflict. In doing so, the book illustrates a little-studied phenomenon: women whose experiences with violence catalyze them to mobilize and resist as feminists, even in the face of grave danger.

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Embodied Politics

Indigenous Migrant Activism, Cultural Competency, and Health Promotion in California

Rutgers University Press

Arguing for a structurally competent approach to migrant health, Embodied Politics shows how efforts to promote indigenous health may actually reinforce the same social and political economic forces, namely structural racism and neoliberalism, that are undermining the health of indigenous Oaxacans in Mexico and the United States.

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Embodied Economies

Diaspora and Transcultural Capital in Latinx Caribbean Fiction and Theater

Rutgers University Press

Embodied Economies compares works of Latinx Caribbean fiction and theater that explore the pitfalls and successes of economic upward mobility in diasporic communities. Each chapter compares two works in a counterpoint analysis that reveals the contradictions of using Latinx Caribbean culture to get ahead in the competitive fields of education, business, entertainment, and finance.


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Buyers Beware

Insurgency and Consumption in Caribbean Popular Culture

Rutgers University Press

Buyers Beware treats Caribbean pop cultural texts with the same critical attention as dominant mass cultural representations of the region to read them against the grain and consider how, and whether, their “pulp” preoccupation with contemporary fashion, music, sex, fast food, and television, is instructive for how race, class, gender, sexuality, and national politics are disseminated and consumed within the Caribbean.

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Cultivating Justice in the Garden State

My Life in the Colorful World of New Jersey Politics

Rutgers University Press

In this remarkable memoir, Raymond Lesniak reflects upon his life and career fighting for social justice in the Garden State. A must-read for anyone seeking to understand the inner workings of our political system, it offers a unique insider’s perspective on the past fifty years of New Jersey politics.

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The Holocaust & the Exile of Yiddish

A History of the Algemeyne Entsiklopedye

Rutgers University Press

This book tells the saga of the Yiddish-language general encyclopedia Algemeyne entsiklopedye (1932-1966) and the editors who continued to publish it even as they were sent into repeated exile and their world was utterly transformed by the Holocaust. It is not a story only about destruction and trauma, but also one of tenacity and continuity, as the encyclopedia’s compilers strove to preserve the heritage of Yiddish culture, to document its near-total extermination in the Holocaust, and to chart its path into the future.

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The Beats in Mexico

Rutgers University Press

The first book-length study of why the Beats were so fascinated by Mexico and how they represented its landscape, history, and mystical practices in their work, this volume examines such canonical figures as Kerouac, Burroughs, Ginsberg, Lamantia, McClure, and Ferlinghetti, as well as lesser-known female Beat writers like Margaret Randall, Bonnie Bremser, and Joanne Kyger.

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Murder on the Mountain

Crime, Passion, and Punishment in Gilded Age New Jersey

Rutgers University Press

Charged with murdering her husband in 1879, Margaret Meierhofer became the last woman executed by the state of New Jersey. Murder on the Mountain considers all sides of this fascinating and mysterious true crime story, investigating how the case’s sensational details about domestic violence and female sexuality gripped the nation.

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Infected Empires

Decolonizing Zombies

Rutgers University Press

Infected Empires examines a central figure in contemporary apocalyptic film: the zombie. This creature reveals bloody truths about the human condition, the wounds of history, and methods of contending with them. Studying films from a transnational perspective, Infected Empires presents a vision of a global zombie that resists oppressive structures that racialize, marginalize, disable, and dispose of bodies.

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Global Health for All

Knowledge, Politics, and Practices

Rutgers University Press

Global Health for All is a deeply historical and ethnographically rich analysis of health at a global scale. It combines sixteen inquiries into actors, institutions, objects, and ideas at the centers and margins of global health, to give a uniquely collaborative account of health’s entanglement with development, science, and globalization. 

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Global Health for All

Knowledge, Politics, and Practices

Rutgers University Press

Global Health for All is a deeply historical and ethnographically rich analysis of health at a global scale. It combines sixteen inquiries into actors, institutions, objects, and ideas at the centers and margins of global health, to give a uniquely collaborative account of health’s entanglement with development, science, and globalization. 

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Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean

Ways of Being Non/Sovereign

Edited by Yvon van der Pijl and Francio Guadeloupe; Foreword by Linden F. Lewis; Epilogue by Anton Allahar
Rutgers University Press

Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean explores fundamental questions of equality and freedom on the various non-sovereign islands of the Dutch Caribbean. While this collection of essays recognizes the existence of nationalist independence movements, it challenges conventional assumptions about political non/sovereignty, opening a critical space to look at other forms of political articulation, autonomy, liberty, and a good life.

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Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean

Ways of Being Non/Sovereign

Edited by Yvon van der Pijl and Francio Guadeloupe; Foreword by Linden F. Lewis; Epilogue by Anton Allahar
Rutgers University Press

Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean explores fundamental questions of equality and freedom on the various non-sovereign islands of the Dutch Caribbean. While this collection of essays recognizes the existence of nationalist independence movements, it challenges conventional assumptions about political non/sovereignty, opening a critical space to look at other forms of political articulation, autonomy, liberty, and a good life.

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Childfree across the Disciplines

Academic and Activist Perspectives on Not Choosing Children

Rutgers University Press

Childfree across the Disciplines: Academic and Activist Perspectives on Not Choosing Children focuses on the relationship between childfreedom, social ideologies, and community activism. The authors ask (and frequently answer) the question: how do childfree people negotiate their subjectivity in a changing demographic, economic, media-saturated cultural landscape?

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Building Something Better

Environmental Crises and the Promise of Community Change

Rutgers University Press

Showing that it is possible to challenge social inequality and environmental degradation by refusing to continue business-as-usual, Building Something Better shares vivid case studies of small groups who are making a big impact by crafting alternatives to neoliberal capitalism. It offers both a call to action and a dose of hope in these troubled times.

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Here to Stay

Uncovering South Asian American History

Rutgers University Press

In Here to Stay, Geetika Rudra takes readers on a journey across the United States to unearth the little-known histories of South Asian Americans in the first half of the twentieth century. She shows how South Asians made a home for themselves in America, despite racist laws that only granted citizenship to European immigrants.

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War without Bodies

Framing Death from the Crimean to the Iraq War

Rutgers University Press

Thanks to the invention of photography and the telegraph descriptions and images of war have proliferated from the nineteenth century onward, yet wars continue to be fought. The way descriptions of war are framed blunts the impact of images of death and makes war an acceptable option by representing it as “war without bodies” therefore without casualties. Beginning with Crimean War, War Without Bodies traces the ways that death was framed in poetry, photography, video and video games up to and including the Iraq War.

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The Work of Hospitals

Global Medicine in Local Cultures

Rutgers University Press

The Work of Hospitals, a volume on hospitals as clinical and social institutions, foregrounds the tensions inherent in efforts to sustain functional health services in resource-poor states. Global ethnographic research shows how clinicians and patients struggle, without adequate supplies and personnel, in times of financial austerity.  The chapters document a vast gulf worldwide between the idealized mission of the hospital and the implementation of this mission in everyday practice.

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The Paris Commune

A Brief History

Rutgers University Press

The Paris Commune, France’s revolutionary civil war, rocked the nineteenth century and shaped the twentieth. A pivotal moment in history, it is the linchpin between revolutionary pasts and futures and as the crucible allowing alternate possibilities. Upending hierarchies, the Commune became a touchstone for subsequent revolutionary and radical social movements.

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Risky Cities

The Physical and Fiscal Nature of Disaster Capitalism

Rutgers University Press

Over half the world’s population lives in urban regions, and increasingly disasters are of great concern to city dwellers, policymakers, and builders. Risky Cities is a critical examination of global urban development, capitalism, and its relationship with environmental hazards. 

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The Speeches That Shaped LGBTQ Literary Culture

Rutgers University Press

This collection gives readers a front-row seat to a pivotal moment in LGBTQ literary history with twenty-seven of the most memorable speeches from the 1990-1999 OutWrite conferences, including talks from such luminaries as Allen Ginsberg, Essex Hemphill, Patrick Califia, Dorothy Allison, and Edmund White that cover everything from racial representation to sexual politics.

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Literature and Revolution

British Responses to the Paris Commune of 1871

Rutgers University Press

The Parisian Communards fought for a vision of internationalism, radical democracy and economic justice for the working masses that cut across national borders. Its eventual defeat resonated far beyond Paris. Literature and Revolution examines how authors in Britain projected their hopes and fears in literary representations of the Commune. 

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Immigrant Agency

Hmong American Movements and the Politics of Racialized Incorporation

Rutgers University Press

Although political incorporation is often seen as something that states do, immigrants exert agency in incorporating themselves. Through a sociological analysis of Hmong former refugees’ grassroots movements in the United States between the 1990s and 2000s, Immigrant Agency uncovers the dynamic interactions between immigrant agency and state racialization that generate racialized incorporation.

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Double Exposure

How Social Psychology Fell in Love with the Movies

Rutgers University Press

Double Exposure examines the role of cinema in shaping social psychology’s landmark post-war experiments. The most influential experiments left a trail of visual evidence central to capturing the public imagination. Examining the dramaturgy, staging and filming of these experiments, Double Exposure recovers a new set of narratives.

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Black Women Directors

Rutgers University Press

For far too long, the cultural and historical narratives about film have overlooked the contributions of Black women directors. This book remedies this omission by highlighting the trajectory of the culturally significant work of Black women directors in the U.S., from the under-examined pioneers of the silent era to the contemporary Black women directors in Hollywood.  

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Racism, Survival, and the Quiet Politics of Infant Mortality, from A to Z

Rutgers University Press

The U.S. infant mortality rate is among the highest in the industrialized world, and Black babies are far more likely than white babies to die in their first year of life. Maternal mortality rates are also very high. The tragedy is twofold: it is undoubtedly tragic that babies die in their first year of life, and it is both tragic and unacceptable that most of these deaths are preventable. Babylost tracks social and cultural dimensions of infant death through 26 alphabetical entries, from Absence to ZIP Code. 

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Transnational Marriage and Partner Migration

Constellations of Security, Citizenship, and Rights

Rutgers University Press

This multidisciplinary collection investigates how marriage and partner migration processes have become the object of state scrutiny for control and exclusion in several states around the world. Covering cases across several countries, contributors offer a compelling multidisciplinary perspective on the interplay between security, citizenship and rights as experienced by migrants, policymakers, and actors who negotiate encounters with the state.

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Transnational Marriage and Partner Migration

Constellations of Security, Citizenship, and Rights

Rutgers University Press

This multidisciplinary collection investigates how marriage and partner migration processes have become the object of state scrutiny for control and exclusion in several states around the world. Covering cases across several countries, contributors offer a compelling multidisciplinary perspective on the interplay between security, citizenship and rights as experienced by migrants, policymakers, and actors who negotiate encounters with the state.

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Speaking Truths

Young Adults, Identity, and Spoken Word Activism

Rutgers University Press

The twenty-first century has seen countless protests demanding social justice, and in every instance, young people are leading the charge. But in addition to protesters who take to the streets with handmade placards, there are also young adults who engage in less obvious change-making tactics. In Speaking Truths, sociologist Valerie Chepp goes behind the scenes to uncover how spoken word poetry—and young people’s participation in it—contributes to a broader understanding of contemporary social justice activism, including this generation’s attention to the political importance of identity, well-being, and love.

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See Me Naked

Black Women Defining Pleasure in the Interwar Era

Rutgers University Press

Lena Horne, Moms Mabley, Yolande DuBois, and Memphis Minnie were Black women who, despite their public profiles, discovered ways to enjoy pleasure in their public and private lives. See Me Naked looks at these women as representative of Black women who were watched, criticized, and judged by their families, peers, and, in some cases, the government. Despite the pressures of respectability, they lived extraordinary lives.

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Resonant Violence

Affect, Memory, and Activism in Post-Genocide Societies

Rutgers University Press

Resonant Violence explores both the enduring impacts of genocidal violence and the varied ways in which states and grassroots collectives respond to and transform this violence through memory practices and grassroots activism. By calling upon lessons from Germany, Poland, Argentina, and the Indigenous United States, Resonant Violence demonstrates how ordinary individuals come together to engage with a violent past to pave the way for a less violent future.

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Played Out

The Race Man in Twenty-First-Century Satire

Rutgers University Press

Through contemporary examples, including the work of Kendrick Lamar, Key and Peele and the presidency of Barack Obama and many others, Played Out: The Race Man in 21st Century Satire examines how Black satirists create vulnerability to highlight the inner emotional lives of Black men.

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From Bureaucracy to Bullets

Extreme Domicide and the Right to Home

Rutgers University Press

From Bureaucracy to Bullets uses eight compelling case studies—from five continents and spanning the 20th and 21st centuries—to explore the concept of extreme domicide, or the intentional destruction of home as a result of political violence. Moving beyond mere description, From Bureaucracy to Bullets identifies common factors that contribute to extreme domicide, thereby providing human rights actors with a framework to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.

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Badass Feminist Politics

Exploring Radical Edges of Feminist Theory, Communication, and Activism

Rutgers University Press

Badass Feminist Politics explores gender, difference, feminist methods, stigma, social movements, mediated communication, intersectional feminist theory and pedagogy. It is a testament to resilience, resistance, and forward thinking about what these themes mean for new feminist agendas.

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Population Trends in New Jersey

Rutgers University Press

Present-day New Jersey is the result of a long demographic and economic journey that has taken place over centuries, constantly influenced by national and global forces. Population Trends in New Jersey provides a detailed examination of this journey. 

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The Baseball Film

A Cultural and Transmedia History

Rutgers University Press

Covering everything from Bull Durham (1988) to The Bad News Bears (1976) this book examines how baseball-themed films and TV series depict the game, its players, fans, and place in American society. It considers works that nostalgically lionize white male heroes alongside films and television that dramatize the contributions of female and BIPOC players.

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The American Girl Goes to War

Women and National Identity in U.S. Silent Film

Rutgers University Press

The American Girl Goes to War demonstrates the predominance of heroic female characters in in early narrative films about war. American Girls were filled with the military spirit of their forefathers and became one of the major ways that American women’s changing political involvement, independence, and active natures were contained by and subsumed into pre-existing American ideologies.

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Stellar Transformations

Movie Stars of the 2010s

Edited by Steven Rybin
Rutgers University Press

Stellar Transformations: Movie Stars of the 2010s explores stardom, performance, and their cultural contexts in ways that remind us of the alluring magic of stars while also bringing to the fore the changing ways in which viewers engaged with them during the last decade. Stellar Transformations looks at the roles stars played in the complex and turbulent decade of the 2010s, and in doing so will offer useful case studies for scholars and students engaged in the study of stardom, celebrity, and performance in cinema.

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Stellar Transformations

Movie Stars of the 2010s

Edited by Steven Rybin
Rutgers University Press

Stellar Transformations: Movie Stars of the 2010s explores stardom, performance, and their cultural contexts in ways that remind us of the alluring magic of stars while also bringing to the fore the changing ways in which viewers engaged with them during the last decade. Stellar Transformations looks at the roles stars played in the complex and turbulent decade of the 2010s, and in doing so will offer useful case studies for scholars and students engaged in the study of stardom, celebrity, and performance in cinema.

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Star Decades Complete 11 Volume Set

Rutgers University Press

The Star Decades: American Culture/American Cinema series is now available as an eleven volume set: Movie Stars from the 1910s to the 2010s. Each volume presents original essays that analyze the movie star against the background of American cultural history. As icon, as mediated personality, and as object of audience fascination and desire, the Hollywood star remains the model for celebrity in modern culture, representing a combination of achievement, talent, ability, luck, authenticity, superficiality, and even ordinariness.

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Latinas on the Line

Invisible Information Workers in Telecommunications

Rutgers University Press

Latinas on the Line: Invisible Information Workers in Telecommunications brings to attention the histories of Latinas in telecommunications, demonstrating how these histories contribute to the larger canons on Latina labor, communications, race, gender, and social constructions of technology. Through their intersectional identities, Latinas in telecommunications offer particular insights to the history of telecommunications and their own ‘belonging’ within these technological spaces.

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Fredric Jameson and Film Theory

Marxism, Allegory, and Geopolitics in World Cinema

Rutgers University Press

A radical new intervention into film studies and Marxist cultural studies, this book considers the contributions of Fredric Jameson to film Studies, and finds scholars applying, questioning, and developing his ideas in a wide-ranging collection of case studies from around the globe.

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Fredric Jameson and Film Theory

Marxism, Allegory, and Geopolitics in World Cinema

Rutgers University Press

A radical new intervention into film studies and Marxist cultural studies, this book considers the contributions of Fredric Jameson to film Studies, and finds scholars applying, questioning, and developing his ideas in a wide-ranging collection of case studies from around the globe.

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