Francio Guadeloupe
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean
Ways of Being Non/Sovereign
Edited by Yvon van der Pijl and Francio Guadeloupe; Foreword by Linden F. Lewis; Epilogue by Anton Allahar
Rutgers University Press
Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean explores fundamental questions of equality and freedom on the various non-sovereign islands of the Dutch Caribbean. While this collection of essays recognizes the existence of nationalist independence movements, it challenges conventional assumptions about political non/sovereignty, opening a critical space to look at other forms of political articulation, autonomy, liberty, and a good life.
- Copyright year: 2022
Black Man in the Netherlands
An Afro-Antillean Anthropology
University Press of Mississippi
A memoir and anthropological annunciation of how anti-racism is transforming the Caribbean and the Old World
Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean
Ways of Being Non/Sovereign
Edited by Yvon van der Pijl and Francio Guadeloupe; Foreword by Linden F. Lewis; Epilogue by Anton Allahar
Rutgers University Press
Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean explores fundamental questions of equality and freedom on the various non-sovereign islands of the Dutch Caribbean. While this collection of essays recognizes the existence of nationalist independence movements, it challenges conventional assumptions about political non/sovereignty, opening a critical space to look at other forms of political articulation, autonomy, liberty, and a good life.
- Copyright year: 2022
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