Guide de la méthode canadienne de prévision du comportement des incendies de forêt (PCI), 3ème édition
La Méthode canadienne de prévision du comportement des incendies de forêt (PCI) est une méthode systématique permettant d’évaluer le comportement potentiel des feux de forêt. Il a pour objet d’aider le personnel de terrain à établir les premières approximations tirées de la Méthode PCI lorsqu’on ne dispose pas de version informatisée.
Field Guide to the Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System, Third Edition
This field guide provides a simplified version of The Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System, presented in tabular format. It was prepared to assist field staff in making first approximations of FBP System outputs when computer-based applications are not available.
Field Guide to Forest Insects and Diseases of the Prairie Provinces, Second Edition
Field Guide to Ecosites of the Mid-boreal Ecoregions of Saskatchewan
Field Guide to Ecosites of Southwestern Alberta
Field Guide to Ecosites of Northern Alberta
Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System
A User's Guide
The Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System provides a systematic method of assessing fire behavior, and this publication provides diagrams, examples, and exercises that explain the FBP System in a user-oriented manner.