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Tree and Shrub Insects of the Prairie Provinces
327 pages, 11 x 8 1/2
Release Date:01 Jan 1988
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Tree and Shrub Insects of the Prairie Provinces

Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre
More than 600 species of insects and mites that feed on trees and shrubs in the prairie provinces are discussed in terms of their distribution, hosts, and importance, life cycle and appearance, and damage. There are approximately 1,100 color photographs; the life cycle and damage of major pest species are illustrated, and, for less important species, the larval stage is shown. Pests attacking coniferous hosts are separated from those attacking hardwoods, and each group is subdivided according to the kind of feeding damage and type of insect involved. An extensive bibliography is provided. In addition to a taxonomic index listing the order and family of each insect or mite, there is a diagnostic index listing the host species, feeding site of the pest, and species of insect or mite involved and an insect index.
RELATED TOPICS: Guidebooks, Nature, Wildlife
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