Dixie Heretic
The Civil Rights Odyssey of Renwick C. Kennedy
Pulpits of the Lost Cause
The Faith and Politics of Former Confederate Chaplains during Reconstruction
To Do Justice
The Civil Rights Ministry of Reverend Robert E. Hughes
Evangelical News
Politics, Gender, and Bioethics in Conservative Christian Magazines of the 1970s and 1980s
Richmond's Priests and Prophets
Race, Religion, and Social Change in the Civil Rights Era
Ye That Are Men Now Serve Him
Radical Holiness Theology and Gender in the South
Southern Religion and Christian Diversity in the Twentieth Century
Revolution as Reformation
Protestant Faith in the Age of Revolutions, 1688–1832
Southern Churches in Crisis Revisited
Home without Walls
Southern Baptist Women and Social Reform in the Progressive Era
Between Dixie and Zion
Southern Baptists and Palestine before Israel
Family Matters
James Dobson and Focus on the Family’s Crusade for the Christian Home
Isaac Taylor Tichenor
The Creation of the Baptist New South
The influential role Tichenor played in shaping both the Baptist denomination and southern culture
Doctrine and Race
African American Evangelicals and Fundamentalism between the Wars
Unity in Christ and Country
American Presbyterians in the Revolutionary Era, 1758–1801
Unitarianism in the Antebellum South
The Other Invisible Institution
Macaulay challenges the prevailing belief that religion in the south developed solely through "revivalistic emotion" and not by religious rationalism.
Avenues of Faith
Shaping the Urban Religious Culture of Richmond, Virginia, 1900–1929
Show Us How You Do It
Marshall Keeble and the Rise of Black Churches of Christ in the United States, 1914-1968
Storm of Words
Science, Religion, and Evolution in the Civil War Era
The Woman I Am
Southern Baptist Women's Writings, 1906–2006
Hope's Promise
Religion and Acculturation in the Southern Backcountry
Bishops, Bourbons, and Big Mules
A History of the Episcopal Church in Alabama
The Life of Selina Campbell
A Fellow Soldier in the Cause of Restoration
Southern Crucifix, Southern Cross
Catholic-Protestant Relations in the Old South
Getting Right With God
Southern Baptists and Desegregation, 1945-1995
This groundbreaking study finds Southern Baptists more diverse in their attitudes toward segregation than previously assumed
Through a Glass Darkly
Contested Notions of Baptist Identity
Recovering the Margins of American Religious History
The Legacy of David Edwin Harrell Jr.
The Poisoned Chalice
Eucharistic Grape Juice and Common-Sense Realism in Victorian Methodism
Examines the introduction of grape juice into the celebration of Holy Communion in the late 19th century Methodist Episcopal Church and reveals how a 1,800-year-old practice of using fermented communion wine became theologically incomprehensible in a mere forty years
The Foreign Missionary Enterprise at Home
Explorations in North American Cultural History
This collection of 15 essays provides a fully developed account of the domestic significance of foreign missions from the 19th century through the Vietnam War. U.S. and Canadian missions to China, South America, Africa, and the Middle East have, it shows, transformed the identity and purposes of their mother countries in important ways.
To Save My Race from Abuse
The Life of Samuel Robert Cassius
In Africa's Forest and Jungle
Six Years Among the Yorubas
Power, Authority, and the Origins of American Denominational Order
The English Churches in the Delaware Valley
This new edition and update of the seminal study, Power, Authority, and the Origins of American Denominational Order, questions the assumption that colonial American churches were seedbeds of democratic sentiment merely awaiting the American Revolution to cast off the shackles of both political and religious domination.
Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land
Hymnody in the History of North American Protestantism
A New Vision for Missions
William Cameron Townsend, The Wycliffe Bible Translators, and the Culture of Early Evangelical Faith Missions, 1917-1945
American Denominational History
Perspectives on the Past, Prospects for the Future
It's a New Day
Race and Gender in the Modern Charismatic Movement
Uplifting the People
Three Centuries of Black Baptists in Alabama
In the Trenches with Jesus and Marx
Harry F. Ward and the Struggle for Social Justice
This absorbing and insightful biography illuminates the life of the controversial champion of the Social Gospel in early-20th-century America.
Sing Them Over Again to Me
Hymns and Hymnbooks in America
Hymns and hymnbooks as American historical and cultural icons.
Alabama Baptists
Southern Baptists in the Heart of Dixie
Sources of Division in the Disciples of Christ, 1865-1900
A Social History of the Disciples of Christ, Volume 2
Quest for a Christian America, 1800–1865
A Social History of the Disciples of Christ, Volume 1
The definitive social history of the Disciples of Christ in the 19th century
Uneasy in Babylon
Southern Baptist Conservatives and American Culture
At Ease in Zion
Social History of Southern Baptists, 1865-1900
The Churches of Christ in the 20th Century
Homer Hailey's Personal Journey of Faith
Religion, Education and the American Experience
Reflections on Religion and the American Public Life
This collection of provocative and timely essays addresses the ways in which religious and educational institutions have come to define one another and American culture and identity.
Religion, Politics and the American Experience
Reflections on Religion and American Public Life
This challenging collection of essays offers a refreshing approach to the troubling–and timely–subject of religion and public policy in American, and the ways in which issues of church and state affect our national identity.