Keith Harper
Showing 1-4 of 4 items.
The Quality of Mercy
Southern Baptists and Social Christianity, 1890-1920
By Keith Harper
University of Alabama Press
Contrary to popular perception, turn-of-the-century Southern Baptists had an identifiable social ethic that compelled them to minister to society's dispossessed
- Copyright year: 1996
Through a Glass Darkly
Contested Notions of Baptist Identity
Edited by Keith Harper; Introduction by Keith Harper
University of Alabama Press
Through a Glass Darkly is a collection of essays by scholars who argue that Baptists are frequently misrepresented, by outsiders as well as insiders, as members of an unchanging monolithic sect.
- Copyright year: 2012
Power, Authority, and the Origins of American Denominational Order
The English Churches in the Delaware Valley
By Jon Butler; Foreword by Keith Harper
University of Alabama Press
This new edition and update of the seminal study, Power, Authority, and the Origins of American Denominational Order, questions the assumption that colonial American churches were seedbeds of democratic sentiment merely awaiting the American Revolution to cast off the shackles of both political and religious domination.
- Copyright year: 2007
American Denominational History
Perspectives on the Past, Prospects for the Future
Edited by Keith Harper
University of Alabama Press
Brings various important topics and groups in American religious history the rigor of scholarly assessment of the current literature
- Copyright year: 2008
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