Showing 1-20 of 49 items.
Dixie Heretic
The Civil Rights Odyssey of Renwick C. Kennedy
University of Alabama Press
A life-and-times biography of the minister and social reformer Renwick C. Kennedy
Pulpits of the Lost Cause
The Faith and Politics of Former Confederate Chaplains during Reconstruction
University of Alabama Press
Compares the faith and politics of former Confederate chaplains during the Reconstruction period, and argues for some counterintuitive understandings of their beliefs and practices in the post-war period
To Do Justice
The Civil Rights Ministry of Reverend Robert E. Hughes
University of Alabama Press
Biography of a civil rights activist who worked tirelessly at the heart of two social and political revolutions
Evangelical News
Politics, Gender, and Bioethics in Conservative Christian Magazines of the 1970s and 1980s
University of Alabama Press
A comprehensive study of evangelical magazine discourse during the 1970s and 1980s and how it navigated and sustained religious convictions in a time of dramatic social change
Richmond's Priests and Prophets
Race, Religion, and Social Change in the Civil Rights Era
University of Alabama Press
Explores the ways in which white Christian leaders in Richmond, Virginia navigated the shifting legal and political battles around desegregation even as members of their congregations struggled with their own understanding of a segregated society
Ye That Are Men Now Serve Him
Radical Holiness Theology and Gender in the South
University of Alabama Press
Examines how religious belief reshaped concepts of gender during the New South period that took place from 1877 to 1915 in ways that continue to manifest today
Southern Religion and Christian Diversity in the Twentieth Century
University of Alabama Press
Essays by the distinguished historian of southern religion Wayne Flynt, that illuminate the often overlooked complexity among southern Protestants
Revolution as Reformation
Protestant Faith in the Age of Revolutions, 1688–1832
Edited by Peter C. Messer and William Harrison Taylor
University of Alabama Press
Essays that explore how Protestants responded to the opportunities and perils of revolution in the transatlantic age
Southern Churches in Crisis Revisited
University of Alabama Press
Hill’s landmark work in southern religious history returns to print updated and expanded – and compellingly relevant
Home without Walls
Southern Baptist Women and Social Reform in the Progressive Era
University of Alabama Press
A critical examination of the Woman’s Missionary Union and how it shaped the views of Southern Baptist women
Between Dixie and Zion
Southern Baptists and Palestine before Israel
University of Alabama Press
Explores the roots of evangelical Christian support for Israel through an examination of the Southern Baptist Convention
Family Matters
James Dobson and Focus on the Family’s Crusade for the Christian Home
University of Alabama Press
The first full-length study of a pivotal figure in American evangelical faith
Isaac Taylor Tichenor
The Creation of the Baptist New South
University of Alabama Press
The influential role Tichenor played in shaping both the Baptist denomination and southern culture
Doctrine and Race
African American Evangelicals and Fundamentalism between the Wars
University of Alabama Press
Doctrine and Race examines the history of African American Baptists and Methodists of the early twentieth century and their struggle for equality in the context of white Protestant fundamentalism.
Unity in Christ and Country
American Presbyterians in the Revolutionary Era, 1758–1801
University of Alabama Press
Examines the interdenominational pursuits of the American Presbyterian Church from 1758 to 1801
Unitarianism in the Antebellum South
The Other Invisible Institution
University of Alabama Press
Macaulay challenges the prevailing belief that religion in the south developed solely through "revivalistic emotion" and not by religious rationalism.
Avenues of Faith
Shaping the Urban Religious Culture of Richmond, Virginia, 1900–1929
University of Alabama Press
The first thorough study of organized mainline churches in a major southern American city during the early 20th century
Show Us How You Do It
Marshall Keeble and the Rise of Black Churches of Christ in the United States, 1914-1968
University of Alabama Press
A major figure in southern black restorationist church history
Storm of Words
Science, Religion, and Evolution in the Civil War Era
University of Alabama Press
A study of the ways that southern Presbyterians in the wake of the Civil War contended with a host of cultural and theological questions
The Woman I Am
Southern Baptist Women's Writings, 1906–2006
University of Alabama Press
Melody Maxwell’s The Woman I Am analyzes the traditional, progressive, and potential roles female Southern Baptist writers and editors portrayed for Southern Baptist women from 1906 to 2006, particularly in the area of missions.
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