Rebecca M. Kluchin
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Fit to Be Tied
Sterilization and Reproductive Rights in America, 1950-1980
Rutgers University Press
The 1960s revolutionized American contraceptive practice. Diaphragms, jellies, and condoms with high failure rates gave way to newer choices of the Pill, IUD, and sterilization. Fit to Be Tied provides a history of sterilization and what would prove to become, at once, socially divisive and a popular form of birth control.
- Copyright year: 2011
The Nursing Clio Reader
Histories of Sex, Reproduction, and Justice
Edited by The Nursing Clio Editorial Collective, with Laura Ansley and Sarah E. Handley-Cousins; Preface by Jacqueline D. Antonovich
Rutgers University Press
A powerful resource for classrooms and individual readers alike, The Nursing Clio Reader invites reflection on how the past informs current debates, urging us to engage deeply with the history of reproductive justice in a time of unprecedented change.
- Copyright year: 2025
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